Home>Ice Thorns
Ice ThornsIce Thorns
DescriptionReleases a burst of homing ice thorns that deal physical and cold damage on hit and have a freeze rate of 18
Mana cost5
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.1s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 20%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalColdSpellAttunement
Per Point of Attunement:
  • +4% increased Damage
  • +4% Freeze Rate Multiplier
NameIce Thorns
Base Damage9 Physical, 9 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate18
Skill Tree Nodes
Ice Thorns0
    Releases a burst of homing ice thorns that deal physical and cold damage on hit and have a freeze rate of 18
    Dense Thicket4
    • Chance For 6 Extra Projectiles 25% per point
    • Speed And Range +15% per point
    Ice Thorns travel faster and farther, and you have a chance to release 6 additional thorns when casting Ice Thorns.
    • Speed and Range +15% per point
    Ice Thorns travel faster and farther.
    Piercing Cold5
    • Chance To Fire Piercing Thorns 20% per point
    • Cold Damage +1 per point
    Ice Thorns has a chance to pierce enemies (pass through enemies they hits), and Ice Thorns hits deal additional base cold damage.
    Eternal Protection3
    • Thorn Barrier Duration +30% per point
    Thorn Barrier lasts longer before releasing.
    Bulb Shield4
    • Thorn Barrier Recast Chance 10% per point
    Thorn Barrier has a chance to recast when it expires.
    Protector's Briar1
    • Can Cast On Allies
    You can cast Thorn Barrier on allies, and which will provide them armour and cause thorns to burst from them when it expires.
    Spell Thorns4
    • Chance To Cast Ice Thorns When Hit +5% per point
    • Spell Physical Damage +1 per point
    You have a chance to cast Ice Thorns when hit by enemies, and Ice Thorns deals additional spell physical damage.
    Barbed Thorns5
    • Bleed Chance +20% per point
    Ice Thorns has a chance to cause enemies to bleed.
    Sundering Thorns5
    • Chance To Cast Sundering Thorns On Hit 7% per point
    Ice Thorns hits have a chance to cast Sundering Thorns, a spell which travels in a line dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Sundering Thorns has a 4 second cooldown.
    Earthen Assault4
    • Sundering Thorns Cooldown Recovery Speed +35% per point
    Sundering Thorns has a shorter cooldown.
    Ritual Briar6
    • Damage +8% per point
    • Damage With Active Totem +16% per point
    Ice Thorns deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This effect is doubled if you have an active totem.
    Shamanistic Fury3
    • Damage Per Active Totem +4% per point
    Ice Thorns deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) for each of your active totems.
    Thorn Shaper6
    • Damage (2 Active Totems) +5% per point
    • Chance To Cast Ice Thorns When Hit (2 Active Totems) +5% per point
    Ice Thorns deals more damage and you have a chance to cast Ice Thorns when hit if you have at least 2 active totems.
    Second Nature1
    • Doubled Cast
    • Cooldown (seconds) +4
    Ice Thorns now casts twice in quick succession, but has a 4 second cooldown.
    Floric Tides4
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +50% per point
    • Thorn Barrier Crit Avoidance +5% per point
    Ice Thorns has a shorter cooldown, and Thorn Barrier grants a chance to avoid critical strikes.
    Emblem of Might1
    • Zero Mana Cost While 2h Equipped
    Ice Thorns costs no mana if you're using a two-handed melee weapon.
    Bark Shield5
    • Armor +20 per point
    Thorn Barrier grants additional armor.
    Frostroot Storm2
    • Extra Projectiles +1 per point
    • Mana Cost +1 per point
    Ice Thorns releases additional thorns, but costs more mana.
    Cold Prison5
    • Base Cold Damage +1 per point
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier +40% per point
    Ice Thorns hits deal additional base cold damage and have a higher chance to freeze enemies.
    • Bleed Chance -> Poison Chance
    • Poison Duration +10%
    Converts bleed chance from all sources to poison chance for Ice Thorns, and poison inflicted by Ice Thorns lasts longer.
    Farwood Heart4
    • Maximum Farwood Heart Stacks 1 per point
    When you use Ice Thorns you gain a stack of Farwood Heart for 4 seconds, a buff that grants 25% increased cold damage and +40% freeze rate multiplier.
    Dagger Thorns4
    • Base Crit Chance +1% per point
    • Critical Multiplier +10% per point
    Improves Ice Thorns' base critical strike chance, and Ice Thorns critical strikes deal more damage.
    Totem Weaver3
    • Thorn Totem Chance On Kill 5% per point
    You have a chance to summon a Thorn Totem when Ice Thorns kills an enemy. You can only summon a Thorn Totem this way every 3 seconds.
    Thorn Barrier1
    • Thorn Barrier
    • Armor +40
    Ice Thorns now creates a Thorn Barrier for 1 second before releasing granting you armor.
    Bramble Armour2
    • Chance To Cast Ice Thorns When Hit +10% per point
    You have a chance to cast Ice Thorns when hit by enemies.
    Trail of Thorns1
    • Chance To Cast Thorn Trail On Kill 25%
    • Damage -20%
    Kills with Ice Thorns have a chance to cast Thorn Trail, a spell which travels along the ground in a line dealing physical damage to enemies it hits, but Ice Thorns deals less damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Thorn Burst1
    • Extra Projectiles 6
    • Spell Physical Damage +6
    • Duration -45%
    • Thorns No Longer Homing
    Ice Thorns releases additional thorns and deals additional spell physical damage, but thorns have a shorter duration and no longer home in on enemies.
    • Cold Damage -> Physical Damage
    • Cast Speed +5%
    • Cannot Freeze Enemies
    Ice Thorns' base cold damage is converted to physical damage. Ice Thorns has higher cast speed, but can no longer freeze enemies.
    Page slapped together by Tunk