Home>Affixes>Increased Spell Damage per Skeletal Mage
NameIncreased Spell Damage per Skeletal Mage
Level requirement25
Class requirementAcolyte
Applies To
HelmetBody Armor
Rarity on Items
rare - Reroll chance 89%
Modified Stats
Increased Spell Damage per Skeletal Mage - added
This counts all variants of Skeletal Mages variants from the skill tree such as Pryomancers and Death Knights
Scaled Values
Item type
Body Armour
21% to 24%
26% to 29%
30% to 33%
35% to 38%
39% to 50%
14% to 16%
17% to 19%
20% to 22%
23% to 25%
26% to 33%
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