Home>Affixes>Freeze Rate Multiplier
NameFreeze Rate Multiplier
Nicknameof Freezing
Level requirement10
Applies To
WandOne Handed SceptreTwo Handed StaffCatalyst
Rarity on Items
common - Reroll chance 0%
Modified Stats
Freeze Rate Multiplier - added
Cold skills have a chance to freeze on hit equal to their freeze rate divided by the target's health.
Scaled Values
Item type
Off-Hand Catalyst
+(23% to 41%)
+(42% to 70%)
+(71% to 105%)
+(106% to 152%)
+(153% to 211%)
+(35% to 61%)
+(63% to 105%)
+(107% to 158%)
+(159% to 228%)
+(229% to 315%)
Two-Handed Staff
+(64% to 112%)
+(115% to 192%)
+(195% to 288%)
+(291% to 416%)
+(419% to 576%)
+(35% to 61%)
+(63% to 105%)
+(107% to 158%)
+(159% to 228%)
+(229% to 315%)
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