Home>Affixes>Physical Resistance
NamePhysical Resistance
Nicknameof Deflection
Level requirement0
Class requirementAcolytePrimalistSentinelNon-Specific
Applies To
Idol 1x1 EterraIdol 2x1Idol 3x1Idol 4x1
Rarity on Items
Default: common - Reroll chance 0%
Idol 3x1: rare - Reroll chance 60%
Idol 4x1: rare - Reroll chance 60%
Modified Stats
Physical Resistance - added
Reduces all physical damage you take. Capped at 75%.
Scaled Values
Item type
Grand Idol
+(13% to 30%)
Humble Idol
+(8% to 17%)
Ornate Idol
+(20% to 45%)
Small Idol
+(3% to 8%)
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