Home>Affixes>Necrotic Damage
NameNecrotic Damage
Level requirement6
Class requirementAcolyteNon-Specific
Applies To
One Handed AxeOne Handed DaggerOne Handed MacesOne Handed SceptreOne Handed SwordWandTwo Handed AxeTwo Handed MaceTwo Handed PolearmTwo Handed StaffTwo Handed SwordCatalystAmuletRingRelicBelt
Rarity on Items
Default: common - Reroll chance 0%
One Handed Axe: rare - Reroll chance 70%
One Handed Maces: rare - Reroll chance 70%
One Handed Sword: rare - Reroll chance 70%
Two Handed Axe: rare - Reroll chance 70%
Two Handed Mace: rare - Reroll chance 70%
Two Handed Sword: rare - Reroll chance 70%
Belt: rare - Reroll chance 70%
Modified Stats
Necrotic Damage - increased
Increases the necrotic damage you deal
Scaled Values
Item type
+(7% to 14%)
+(15% to 25%)
+(26% to 35%)
+(36% to 46%)
+(47% to 70%)
+(6% to 12%)
+(13% to 21%)
+(22% to 30%)
+(31% to 39%)
+(40% to 60%)
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
Off-Hand Catalyst
+(7% to 14%)
+(15% to 25%)
+(26% to 35%)
+(36% to 46%)
+(47% to 70%)
One-Handed Axe
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
One-Handed Mace
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
One-Handed Sword
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
+(6% to 12%)
+(13% to 21%)
+(22% to 30%)
+(31% to 39%)
+(40% to 60%)
+(6% to 12%)
+(13% to 21%)
+(22% to 30%)
+(31% to 39%)
+(40% to 60%)
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
Two-Handed Axe
+(19% to 38%)
+(42% to 67%)
+(70% to 96%)
+(99% to 125%)
+(128% to 192%)
Two-Handed Mace
+(19% to 38%)
+(42% to 67%)
+(70% to 96%)
+(99% to 125%)
+(128% to 192%)
Two-Handed Spear
+(19% to 38%)
+(42% to 67%)
+(70% to 96%)
+(99% to 125%)
+(128% to 192%)
Two-Handed Staff
+(19% to 38%)
+(42% to 67%)
+(70% to 96%)
+(99% to 125%)
+(128% to 192%)
Two-Handed Sword
+(19% to 38%)
+(42% to 67%)
+(70% to 96%)
+(99% to 125%)
+(128% to 192%)
+(11% to 21%)
+(23% to 37%)
+(39% to 53%)
+(54% to 68%)
+(70% to 105%)
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