Home>Factions>Circle of Fortune
1Enemy Item Drop ChanceEnemies have a 35% chance of dropping twice as many items.15%
2Upgraded Rune of Ascendance45% chance for Runes of Ascendance to be preserved when used on an item that requires at least Circle of Fortune Rank 1.50010%
3Idol Drop ChanceWhenever an Idol drops, there is a 25% chance for two more to drop at the same time.3,00015%
4Full Set Drop ChanceWhen a Set item would drop, the whole set drops instead.11,50020%
5Monolith Echo Reward Upgrade35% chance for double rewards from Monolith Echoes.37,50025%
6Exalted Affix ChanceAffixes are 50% more likely to be Exalted.75,00030%
7Double Experimental ItemsExiled Mages drop twice as many experimental items.125,00035%
8Legendary Potential ChanceUniques are twice as likely to have Legendary Potential.200,00040%
9T7 Affix ChanceT7 Affixes are twice as common.300,00045%
10Boss Loot UpgradeBosses have 150% increased drop rate for any specific rewards they have.500,00050%
11Rare to Exalted ChanceItems that would drop as Rare have a 25% chance of becoming Exalted.750,00055%
12Prophecy Reward UpgradeProphecies grant twice as many items.1,100,00060%
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