Home>Quests>Harbingers of Ruin: Aberroth
NameHarbingers of Ruin: Aberroth
ChapterChapter 14: Monolith of Fate
TypeSide Quest
Experience Reward4000
Gold Reward0
Passive Points Reward0
Idol RewardNo
Starting ZoneShattered Road

You’ve finally defeated enough Harbingers for the paladin Orenthia to be able to open a way to their leader, Aberroth. Face Aberroth in the Altar of Oblivion when you are ready.

  • Use a Harbinger Eye to enter the Altar of Oblivion

You’ve finally defeated enough Harbingers for the paladin Orenthia to be able to open a way to their leader, Aberroth. Face Aberroth in the Altar of Oblivion when you are ready.

  • Defeat Aberroth

Aberroth has been defeated, but there is one more thing to do. Destroy the Altar of Oblivion to make sure that no more Harbingers can be created.

  • Destroy the Altar of Oblivion

Aberroth has been defeated and the Altar of Oblivion has been destroyed. Every Harbinger killed from now on is one step closer to their end and a blow to Orobyss. Speak with Orenthia when to discuss your victory.

  • Speak with Orenthia

Aberroth has been defeated and the Altar of Oblivion has been destroyed. Every Harbinger killed from now on is one step closer to their end and a blow to Orobyss. Speak with Orenthia when to discuss your victory.


Aberroth has been defeated and the Altar of Oblivion has been destroyed. Every Harbinger killed from now on is one step closer to their end and a blow to Orobyss.

Orenthia has found redemption. Her sins may not be forgotten, but she will continue to fight against Orobyss thanks you.

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