Home>Quests>The Corrupted Lake
NameThe Corrupted Lake
ChapterChapter 4: The Outcasts and the Empire
TypeSide Quest
Experience Reward550
Gold Reward0
Passive Points Reward1
Idol RewardYes
Starting ZoneThe Corrupted Lake

Explore The Corrupted Lake.

While exploring The Risen Lake, you came across another rift in time. You traveled back to the Ruined Era and what was once a beautiful lake is now a Corrupted Lake. Explore the area.


Defeat the Prophet of Ruin.

While exploring The Corrupted Lake, you've come across what appears to be a cultist sacrificial pit. The Prophet of Ruin, performing dark rituals, wants to make you his next victim. Defend yourself!

  • Defeat the Prophet of Ruin!

Defeat the Idol of Ruin!

You defeated the Prophet of Ruin, but the commotion seems to have awoken the true master of the pit. Destroy the massive Void creature in The Corrupted Lake and escape!

  • Slay the Idol of Ruin!

While exploring The Risen Lake, you came across another rift in time that brought you forward in time and what was once the beautiful lake is now filled with corruption. At The Corrupted Lake, you came across what appeared to be a sacrificial pit and the Prophet of Ruin wanted to make you the next sacrifice in his dark ritual. Your fight with the Prophet drew the attention of a massive Void creature known as the Idol of Ruin. You managed to escape from the creature and return in time.

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