Home>Quests>The Stolen Lance
NameThe Stolen Lance
ChapterChapter 14: Monolith of Fate
TypeSide Quest
Experience Reward1000
Gold Reward1000
Passive Points Reward0
Idol RewardNo

In this timeline, Osprix forces interfere with the retrieval of the Lance of Heorot.

Rahyeh's forces approach the Lance of Heorot. Stop them before they can take it.

  • Search for the Lance of Heorot

In this timeline, Osprix forces interfere with the retrieval of the Lance of Heorot.

Rahyeh's forces approach the Lance of Heorot. Stop them before they can take it.

  • Defeat the Siege Golems

In this timeline, Osprix forces interfere with the retrieval of the Lance of Heorot.

Rahyeh's forces approach the Lance of Heorot. Stop them before they can take it.

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