Home>Rogue>Acid Flask
Acid FlaskAcid Flask
ClassRogue level 4 skill
DescriptionThrow a flask of acid that explodes dealing physical damage on impact, poisoning enemies and reducing their armor.
Mana cost10
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalPoisonThrowingAreaDexterity
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
Base Damage12 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Ailments on Hit
Target Type: Enemy
Poison (Chance: 100%)
Shred Armour (Chance: 100%)
Skill Tree Nodes
Acid Flask0
    Throw a flask of acid that explodes dealing physical damage on impact, poisoning enemies and reducing their armor.
    • Damage +10% per point
    Acid Flask deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Elixir of Speed4
    • Haste Chance +25% per point
    • Haste Duration (seconds) 2
    Acid Flask has a chance to grant Haste on use for a short duration.
    Tempered Glass4
    • Armor Shred Chance +100% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to shred enemy armor.
    Hydrochloric Acid5
    • Global Poison Chance In Pool +20% per point
    You have a chance to poison enemies while standing in your Poison Pools.
    Lingering Toxicity3
    • Pool Duration (seconds) +1 per point
    Poison Pools last longer.
    • Poison Resistance Shred Chance +150% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to shred enemy poison resistance on hit.
    Caustic Concoction4
    • Poison Chance +25% per point
    Acid Flask has additional chance to poison enemies on hit.
    • Frailty Chance +50% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to apply Frailty to enemies hit, causing them to deal less damage.
    Lasting Sickness4
    • Poison Duration +10% per point
    Acid Flask has increased poison duration.
    Quick Draw4
    • Throwing Speed +6% per point
    Acid Flask has increased throwing speed.
    • Chance to Drop Flask When Hit +10% per point
    • Cooldown (seconds) +5
    You have a chance to drop an Acid Flask at your feet when an enemy hits you. This effect has a 5 second cooldown.
    Alchemical Proficiency5
    • Mana Efficiency +10% per point
    • Damage +3% per point
    Acid Flask costs less mana and deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Hindering Mixture4
    • Slow Chance +25% per point
    • Slow Duration +10% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to slow enemies on hit. Slow caused by Acid Flask lasts longer.
    Firebomb Cocktail4
    • Throwing Fire Damage +12 per point
    Acid Flask deals additional throwing fire damage.
    Flammable Concoction4
    • Ignite Chance +25% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to ignite enemies.
    Piercing Debris4
    • Increased Crit Chance 50% per point
    • Critical Strike Multiplier +50% per point
    Acid Flask has increased citical strike chance and critical strikes deal more damage.
    Splash Zone4
    • Increased Area 30% per point
    Acid Flask deals damage in a larger area.
    • Travel Speed +15% per point
    Acid Flask travels faster.
    Amatoxic Pools4
    • Efficacious Toxin Chance +25% per point
    Poison Pools have a chance to inflict enemies with Efficacious Toxin each second, causing them to take increased damage over time.
    Toxic Salvo1
    • Extra Flasks +2
    • Mana Cost +5
    You now throw 3 Acid Flasks in a line, but Acid Flask costs more mana. Enemies can only be hit by one flask per throw.
    • Fan Mode
    • Travel Speed +25%
    You now throw Acid Flasks in a fan in front of you instead of a line. Flasks travel faster.
    Poison Pools1
    • Poison Pool Duration +4
    • Cooldown +2
    Acid Flask leaves behind a Poison Pool for 4 seconds that poison enemies that stand in it and adds a 2 second cooldown per flask thrown. You can have a maximum of 4 Poison Pools active at once.
    Knowledge of Immunity3
    • Poison Penetration per 5% Uncapped Poison Resistance 1% per point
    Acid Flask penetrates poison resistance based on your own uncapped Poison Resistance
    Explosive Flask1
    • Physical -> Fire Damage
    • Hit Damage +100%
    • No Poison Chance or Poison Pools
    Acid Flask's base damage is converted to fire damage and its hits deal significantly more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to physical damage. Acid Flask can no longer apply poison or create poison pools.
    • Armor -> Fire Res Shred
    Converts Armor Shred from all sources that Acid Flask would apply to Fire Resistance Shred.
    Cluster Bomb1
    • Secondary Explosions +3
    • Increased Mana Cost 50%
    When Acid Flask is thrown directly it causes 3 smaller explosions around the impact location dealing fire damage on hit, but it costs more mana.
    Blinding Mixture2
    • Blind Chance +50% per point
    Acid Flask has a chance to blind enemies hit for 4 seconds.
    Alchemist's Gift1
    • Acid Flask Trap
    • Maximum Acid Flask Traps 6
    Acid Flask is now thrown as a trap that starts arming and explodes when enemies walk over it. You can have a maximum of 6 Acid Flask Traps active at once.
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