Home>Acolyte>Aura Of Decay
Aura Of DecayAura Of Decay
ClassLich level 10 skill
DescriptionToggles aura of decay, which poisons you every second, and leaves a trail of decay. Enemies near you or in the trail are poisoned four times a second, and your chance to poison on hit applies to each of these instances at 25% effectiveness.

While aura of decay is active you take 50% less poison damage.
Mana cost0
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.43s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsPoisonDoTInstant CastAreaIntelligence
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameAura Of Decay
50% less Poison Damage Taken
Ailments in Radius
Target Type: Enemy, Interval: 0.25s, Radius: 4
Poison (Chance: 100%)
Skill Tree Nodes
Aura of Decay0
    Toggles aura of decay, which poisons you every second, and leaves a trail of decay. Enemies near you or in the trail are poisoned four times a second, and your chance to poison on hit applies to each of these instances at 25% effectiveness. While aura of decay is active you take 50% less poison damage.
    Rot Weaver3
    • Ailment Frequency +8% per point
    Aura of Decay applies poison and other ailments to enemies more frequently.
    Unending Sickness3
    • Ailment Duration +15% per point
    Poison and other ailments inflicted by Aura of Decay last longer. This does not include ailments that slow.
    Mana Blight3
    • Ailment Frequency +10% per point
    • Mana Drain 2 per point
    Aura of Decay applies Poison and other ailments to enemies more frequently, but drains mana each second.
    Seeping Wounds5
    • Bleed Chance +12% per point
    Aura of Decay has a chance to cause enemies to bleed each second.
    Corrosive Aura3
    • Enemy Armor -40 per point
    Enemies affected by Aura of Decay have reduced armor.
    • Slow Chance +12% per point
    Aura of Decay has a chance to slow nearby enemies every second.
    Chill to the Bone3
    • Chill Chance +15% per point
    Aura of Decay has a chance to Chill nearby enemies every second.
    Absence of Life4
    • Heals Allies
    • Percent Of Missing Health Healed 2% per point
    Allies within range are healed by Aura of Decay each second. Aura of Decay heals more health the less health you currently have.
    Infectious Bones3
    • Nearby Minion Poison Damage +25% per point
    Minions within Aura of Decay’s area of effect deal more poison damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Chance To Mark Attackers 8% per point
    While Aura of Decay is active, enemies have a chance to be Marked for Death when they hit you.
    Growing Hunger1
    • Soul Feast Chance Increase On Fail 10%
    Your chance to cast Soul Feast when hit increases each time you fail to cast Soul Feast.
    Poison Skin3
    • Poison Stacks Inflicted 3 per point
    • Poison Stacks Received 1 per point
    Enemies are inflicted with multiple stacks of Poison when they hit you, but you also gain poison stacks when hit.
    • Poison Damage Taken -5% per point
    You take less poison damage while Aura of Decay is active (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Enemy Poison Resistance -5% per point
    Enemies within Aura of Decay’s area of effect have less Poison Resistance.
    Fume Weaver1
    • Enemy Poison Resistance Per Int -1%
    • Poison Resistance Per Int -1%
    You and Enemies within Aura of Decay’s area of effect have less poison resistance for each point of intelligence you have.
    Poison Barrage4
    • Poison Bolt Frequency +75% per point
    Aura of Decay fires Poison Bolts more frequently.
    Death Bloom2
    • Poison Nova Cooldown -1 per point
    Poison Nova has a shorter cooldown.
    Bubonic Aura3
    • Plague Chance +12% per point
    Aura of Decay has a chance to inflict nearby enemies with Plague each second.
    Plague Rat4
    • Area +15% per point
    Aura of Decay affects a larger area.
    Aura of Terror3
    • Fear Chance +34# per point
    Nearby enemies have a chance to be feared when you activate Aura of Decay.
    • Poison Resistance in Aura of Decay +15% per point
    • Increased Health Regen On Deactivate 50% per point
    You have additional posion resistance while in Aura of Decay and you have increased health regeneration if you have deactivated Aura of Decay recently (past 4 seconds).
    Icarian Poison1
    • Ailment Frequency +50%
    • Self-Poison Frequency Per Second +5%
    Aura of Decay applies poison and other ailments to enemies more frequently, but poison is applied to your self more and more frequently as time goes on.
    Poisoned Soul1
    • Ailment Frequency +50%
    • Self-Poison Frequency +50%
    Aura of Decay applies poison and other ailments to enemies more frequently, but also applies poison to yourself more frequently.
    • Poison -> Armor Shred Chance
    • Armour Shred Effectiveness +100%
    Aura of Decay inflicts Armor Shred instead of Poison to you and enemies. Armor Shred inflicted by Aura of Decay has 100% increased effectiveness.
    Putrid Bombs1
    • Creates Putrid Bombs
    While Aura of Decay is active, you leave behind a Putrid Bomb every 2 seconds. Putrid Bombs explode after a 2 second delay and Poison all enemies they hit.
    Plague Bearers1
    • Minion Poison Chance +100%
    • Minions Poisoned Every Second
    Minions within Aura of Decay’s area of effect have a chance to poison on hit, but are poisoned every second.
    Feast of Souls3
    • Soul Feast Chance When Hit 2% per point
    While Aura of Decay is active, you have a chance to cast Soul Feast when you are hit.
    Poison Bolt1
    • Poison Bolt
    Aura of Decay fires a Poison Bolt that inflicts two stacks of poison on hit at the nearest enemy every 3 seconds.
    • Poison Nova Chance 20% per point
    • Poison Nova Cooldown 5
    Enemies that die within Aura of Decay’s area of effect have a chance to emit a Poison Nova, which poisons all enemies it hits. This effect has a 5 second cooldown by default.
    Incipient Decay1
    • Poison Nova On Activate
    When you activate Aura of Decay, you create a Poison Nova around yourself that poisons all enemies it hits. This effect has a 5 second cooldown.
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