Base Stats
Base ClassAcolyte
MasteriesNecromancer | Lich | Warlock
Base str / dex / int / vit / att0 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0
Base Health100
Base Mana50
Health / Level8
Mana / Level0.51
Health Regen6
Mana Regen8
Health Regen / Level0.14
Base Stun Avoidance250
Stun Avoidance / Level5
Starting ItemsAcolyte's Sceptre | Outcast Rags | Traveller's Belt | Worn Boots
Initial Skills
AttackAttackPhysicalMeleeArea00A basic attack with your weapon that costs no mana
Rip BloodRip BloodPhysicalSpellIntelligence30Rips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you.
Unlockable Skills
Summon Skeleton2Summon SkeletonMinionIntelligence150Summons a skeleton warrior or skeleton archer to guard you. You are limited to 3 skeletons at a time.
Marrow Shards3Marrow ShardsPhysicalSpellIntelligence00Fires sharpened bones from your body. The bones pierce through enemies inflicting physical damage. Instead of mana, 9% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
Wandering Spirits4Wandering SpiritsNecroticSpellDoTAreaIntelligence3112.5Reveals wandering spirits around you for 6 seconds. The spirits wander at random dealing necrotic damage over time to enemies they pass through. 4 spirits are revealed immediately after casting the skill and 17 more are revealed over the next 6 seconds. The spirits individually last up to 4 seconds, but all remaining spirits fade once the reveal duration ends.
Harvest5HarvestNecroticMeleeAreaDexterityIntelligence00A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, dealing double damage to those that are Cursed.
Bone Curse7Bone CursePhysicalSpellCurseAreaIntelligence160Apply a curse to enemies in an area for 8 seconds that causes physical damage when hit. The damage is tripled if you inflicted the hit yourself.
Transplant9TransplantPhysicalSpellMovementTraversalAreaIntelligence05Creates a new body for you at the target location, then detonates your old body to deal physical damage to enemies around it. Instead of mana, 13% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
Summon Volatile Zombie16Summon Volatile ZombieMinionIntelligence160Summons a Volatile Zombie which trudges towards the nearest enemy. When it reaches an enemy or dies, it explodes dealing physical and fire damage to surrounding enemies.
Skills in Acolyte Passive Tree
Hungering Souls5Hungering SoulsNecroticSpellDoTIntelligence110Calls forth five hungering souls that seeks out enemies, on hit they deal necrotic damage and then possesses the target. Possessed enemies take necrotic damage over time for 1.5 seconds. Enemies cannot be possessed by multiple souls at once.
Summon Bone Golem10Summon Bone GolemMinionIntelligence6010Summons a bone golem, which attacks slowly, but has a 15% chance to retaliate with Bone Shatter when hit.
Spirit Plague15Spirit PlagueNecroticSpellDoTCurseIntelligence30Curses a target with a powerful necrotic damage over time effect which lasts 3 seconds. Spreads to a single nearby target on target death.
Infernal Shade20Infernal ShadeFireSpellDoTAreaIntelligence140Target enemy and all nearby enemies take fire damage per second. Each enemy can only have one Infernal Shade attached at a time. Expires after 5 seconds. Max 4 active shades.
Skills in Necromancer Passive Tree
Summon Skeletal Mage5Summon Skeletal MageMinionIntelligence270Summons a Skeletal Mage to assist you. You are limited to 2 Skeletal Mages at a time. Skeletal Mages cast Dread Bolt, which has 150% added damage effectiveness and has a 50% chance to apply Damned on hit.
Sacrifice10SacrificePhysicalSpellAreaIntelligence250Rips apart an allied minion, dealing physical damage to enemies around it. Added damage applies at double effectiveness.
Dread Shade30Dread ShadeNecroticSpellBuffAreaIntelligence300Your minion's health is drained for 3% of its max health per second for each second the shade has been active, but it and your minions around it deal +10 necrotic damage with spells and attacks and have 50% increased necrotic damage.
Assemble Abomination40Assemble AbominationPhysicalMinionChanneledIntelligence653.03Hold ability key to channel to absorb minions in a moderate area. When you release, summon a single hulking abomination with added health and more damage per minion absorbed. The abomination's health decays increasingly fast over time.
Summon WraithMasterySummon WraithMinionIntelligence200Summons a wraith that rapidly fades from this world, but will seek and attack your foes while it remains.
Skills in Lich Passive Tree
Drain Life5Drain LifeNecroticSpellDoTChanneledAreaIntelligence50.8Channelled spell that targets up to 3 enemies around the target location, dealing necrotic damage over time and leeching 30% of that damage back as health.
Aura Of Decay10Aura Of DecayPoisonDoTInstant CastAreaIntelligence01Toggles aura of decay, which poisons you every second, and leaves a trail of decay. Enemies near you or in the trail are poisoned four times a second, and your chance to poison on hit applies to each of these instances at 25% effectiveness. While aura of decay is active you take 50% less poison damage.
Death Seal30Death SealNecroticSpellBuffInstant CastAreaIntelligence15Toggle to remove all ward and seal your health, preventing it from going above its current value for 5 seconds. Deal more damage equal to your percent missing health and take less damage equal to half your percent missing health. Reactivate to unleash a wave of death dealing damage based on how long Death Seal has been active and your current percent missing health.
Reaper FormMasteryReaper FormNecroticMeleeTransformMovementAreaIntelligenceDexterity020Take on the mantle of death itself and transform into a Reaper, temporarily gaining the Reap ability. While in Reaper Form, your health regen does not apply and your health decays over time. When your health reaches 0 instead of dying you transform back to human form and are healed to full health.
Skills in Warlock Passive Tree
Chaos Bolts5Chaos BoltsFireNecroticSpellAreaIntelligence100A barrage of chaotic projectiles which land in an area around the target. The explosions deal necrotic and fire damage in a small area.
Ghostflame15GhostflameFireNecroticSpellDoTChanneledIntelligence50.8Channel to releases a continuous jet of horrid flames in front of you dealing fire and necrotic damage over time.
Soul Feast30Soul FeastNecroticSpellIntelligence170Feasts on the souls of {Cursed} enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 3 ward when they reach you. Feasts on up to 13 enemies, prioritising those closest to you.
Profane Veil35Profane VeilNecroticSpellDoTMovementAreaIntelligence2510Channel to conceal yourself within a Profane Veil that deals necrotic damage over time to enemies around you. While concealed you dodge every Hit, but you can still take damage from damage over time effects, such as ailments, and you move more slowly. Last for up to 2 seconds (also ends when you release the key). Cooldown does not recover during use.
Chthonic FissureMasteryChthonic FissureFireNecroticSpellDoTCurseIntelligence450Opens an infernal fissure in the ground, dealing fire damage over time to enemies on top of it, as well as releasing {Spirits} from the fissure that seek nearby enemies. These spirits inflict enemies with {Torment}, a {Curse} that slows and deals necrotic damage over time. Max 1 active fissure.
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