Home>Rogue>Dancing Strikes
Dancing StrikesDancing Strikes
ClassBladedancer Mastery Skill
DescriptionRequires dual wielding.

A series of fast dash attacks. Dancing Strikes' movement does not scale with attack speed, but Dancing Strikes deals 1% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 3% increased attack speed.
Mana cost3
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.13s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 0%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalMeleeMovementAreaDexterity
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
Combo Skill
  • Dancing Strikes
  • Dancing Strikes
  • Dancing Strikes
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Dancing Strikes0
    Requires dual wielding. A series of fast dash attacks. Dancing Strikes' movement does not scale with attack speed, but Dancing Strikes deals 1% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 3% increased attack speed.
    • Physical Penetration +8% per point
    Dancing Strikes penetrates enemy physical resistance.
    Dark Blades1
    • Shadow Dagger Stacks +1
    Dancing Strikes inflicts enemies with Shadow Dagger.
    Grievous Wounds4
    • Bleed Chance +25% per point
    Dancing Strikes has a chance to cause enemies to bleed.
    Trickling Cuts3
    • Damage Over Time +2% per point
    You deal more global damage over time (multiplicative with other modifiers) for each time you have used Dancing Strikes recently.
    Majasa's Dagger2
    • Melee Damage +3% per point
    • Maximum 60% per point
    Dancing Strikes deals more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per poison stacks on the target up to a maximum.
    Silent Death1
    • Poison Chance +100%
    • Poison Res Shred Chance +100%
    • Physical Damage -50%
    Dancing Strikes has a chance to poison enemies, but deals less physical damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Snake Bites3
    • Hit Damage Against Bleeding +10% per point
    • Hit Damage Against Poisoned +10% per point
    Dancing Strikes hits deal more damage to bleeding and poisoned enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Eluding Steps2
    • Dodge Rating +75 per point
    • Duration (seconds) 1
    Dancing Strikes grants you additional dodge rating for a short duration on use.
    • Dodge Rating Per Dexterity +1 per point
    • Duration (seconds) 1
    Dancing Strikes grants you additional dodge rating per point of Dexterity for a short duration on use.
    • Damage to Rares and Bosses +15% per point
    Dancing Strikes deals more damage to rare enemies and bosses (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Graceful Arena5
    • Arena Duration (seconds) 4
    • More Damage in Arena 4% per point
    • Damage Taken in Arena -2% per point
    • Damage Taken Bonus Doubled For You
    Dancing Strikes' third attack creates a Fighting Arena for 4 seconds. While fighting inside the arena, you and your allies deal more damage and take less damage (both multiplicative with other modifiers). The less damage taken is doubled for you.
    Lacerating Aura4
    • Bleed Chance Inside Arena +50% per point
    You and allies fighting inside the arena have a high chance to cause enemies to bleed.
    Close Combat3
    • Damage +10% per point
    • Distance -10% per point
    Dancing Strikes deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) but you travel less far between each attack.
    Tenacious Vitae3
    • Damage Over Time Taken -10% per point
    • Duration (seconds) 1
    You take less damage over time (multiplicative with other modifiers) for a short duration after using Dancing Strikes.
    Resolute Technique4
    • Increased Damage 15% per point
    Lethal Mirage and Synchronized Strikes deal increased damage for each time you have used Dancing Strikes recently.
    Invigorating Moves4
    • Health Gain 25 per point
    Dancing Strikes' third attack heals you if it hits at least one enemy.
    Quick Step4
    • Haste Chance +25% per point
    Dancing Strikes has a chance to grant you Haste for 2 seconds on use.
    Windmill Ballet2
    • Shuriken Chance 50% per point
    Dancing Strikes' second and fourth attack have a chance to throw Shurikens in target direction.
    Broad Dancing3
    • Area +20% per point
    Dancing Strikes deals damage in a larger area.
    Cutting Corners3
    • Armor Shred Chance +15% per point
    Dancing Strikes has a chance to shred enemy armor.
    • Rhythm Maximum Stacks +2 per point
    • Global More Damage 3%
    • Rhythm Duration (seconds) 2
    When you use Dancing Strikes and hit at least one enemy, you gain a stack of Rhythm for a short duration and refresh all existing stacks, granting you global more damage per stack (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Dodge Rating +10% per point
    You have increased dodge rating per stack of Rhythm.
    Refined Cuts3
    • Global Bleed Chance Per Stack +5% per point
    You have a global chance to cause enemies to bleed per stack of Rhythm.
    Art of Blades2
    • Global Critical Multiplier +10% per point
    Your critical strikes deal more damage per stack of Rhythm.
    Perfect Choreography1
    • More Global Damage 5%
    • Mana Cost +5
    Each stack of Rhythm also grants 5% global more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but Dancing Strikes cost more mana.
    Sophisticated Stabs3
    • Armor Shred Stacks +1 per point
    Dancing Strikes' first attack shreds enemy armor.
    Shadow Steps1
    • Creates Shadow
    • Mana Cost +5
    Dancing Strikes' second attack creates a Shadow, but Dancing Strikes costs more mana.
    Deadly Waltz4
    • Physical Res Shred Chance +25% per point
    Dancing Strikes shreds enemy physical resistance.
    • Puncture Damage +16% per point
    Your next Puncture deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) after using Dancing Strikes.
    Hidden Blade2
    • Shadow Cascade Chance +50% per point
    Dancing Strikes' first attack has a chance to also attack with Shadow Cascade.
    • Bleed -> Poison Chance
    • Physical -> Poison Penetration
    All bleed chance is converted to poison chance with Dancing Strikes. Physical penetration from this tree converted to poison penetration.
    Page slapped together by Tunk