Home>Mage>Elemental Nova
Elemental NovaElemental Nova
ClassMage level 4 skill
DescriptionCasts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage.

All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast.
Mana cost11
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.25s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 40%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsLightningColdFireSpellAreaIntelligence
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameElemental Nova
Base Damage6 Fire, 6 Cold, 6 Lightning
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Elemental Nova0
    Casts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage. All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast.
    Ice Nova1
    • Enables Ice Nova
    • Damage +7%
    Enables Ice Nova, which has a freeze rate of 40. Elemental Nova hits deal more (multiplicative with other modifiers) damage.
    Glyphs of Winter4
    • Chill Chance +25% per point
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier +25% per point
    Elemental Nova has a chance to chill enemies and an increased chance to freeze enemies.
    Glacial Might5
    • Damage +18% per point
    • Mana Cost +2 per point
    Elemental Nova deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but Elemental Nova costs more mana.
    Protective Strikes5
    • Ward Gained 20 per point
    • Ward Chance 7%
    Elemental Nova hits have a chance to grant ward.
    Magical Barrier4
    • Ward Gained +20% per point
    The Protective Strikes and Survival of the Victor nodes on this tree grant more ward.
    Lightning Nova1
    • Enables Lightning Nova
    • Damage +7%
    Enables Lightning Nova, which has 20% more critical strike chance than other Elemental Nova types. Elemental Nova hits deal more (multiplicative with other modifiers) damage.
    Charged Destruction3
    • Critical Chance +3% per point
    Elemental Nova hits have an increased critical strike chance.
    Survival of the Victor3
    • Ward Chance 14%
    • Ward On Kill +15 per point
    Elemental Nova kills have a chance to grant ward.
    Arcane Protection5
    • Ward Retention On Kill +15% per point
    You have more ward retention for 4 seconds after killing an enemy with Elemental Nova. You may have only one instance of this buff at once.
    Fire Nova1
    • Enables Fire Nova
    • Damage +7%
    Enables Fire Nova, which deals 11% more hit damage than other Elemental Nova types. All Elemental Nova hits deal more (multiplicative with other modifiers) damage.
    Infernal Prism7
    • Elemental Penetration +10% per point
    Elemental Nova hits penetrate enemy elemental resistances.
    Ash Frenzy5
    • Hit Damage To Full Health Enemies +5% per point
    • Cast Speed +5% per point
    Elemental Nova hits deal more damage against enemies that are at full health (multiplicative with other modifiers). Elemental Nova has increased cast speed.
    Conflagrating Speed5
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +35% per point
    Elemental Nova has a shorter cooldown.
    Spark Charges5
    • Spark Charge Chance +20% per point
    • Damage +4% per point
    Elemental Nova hits have a chance to attach a Spark Charge, which deals lightning damage to nearby enemies after 1 second or when the enemy dies. Additionally, Elemental Nova deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Ignite Chance +25% per point
    Elemental Nova hits have a chance to Ignite enemies.
    Flame Battery2
    • Charges +1 per point
    You can store an additional charge of Elemental Nova.
    Elemental Expanse5
    • Area +20% per point
    Elemental Nova has a larger area of effect.
    • Overcharge Damage +25% per point
    • Overcharge Stun Chance +40% per point
    Overcharged Elemental Novas deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and have increased stun chance.
    Elemental Tranquillity6
    • Ice Nova Freeze Rate Multiplier +40% per point
    • Lightning Nova Shock Chance +20% per point
    • Fire Nova Ignite Chance +20% per point
    Ice Nova has a higher chance to Freeze enemies. Lightning Nova has a chance to Shock enemies. Fire Nova has a chance to Ignite enemies.
    Cryomantic Fragility4
    • Mana Cost -3 per point
    • Cold Damage Taken +3% per point
    Elemental Nova costs less mana, but you take increased cold damage if you have cast Elemental Nova recently (past 4 seconds).
    Arcana Elementorum5
    • Damage +8% per point
    • Area +8% per point
    Elemental Nova deals more elemental damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has a slightly larger area of effect.
    Melting Nova5
    • Armour Shred Chance 40% per point
    • Increased Crit Chance 40% per point
    Elemental Nova has a chance to shred armour on hit and has increased critical strike chance.
    Star Prism3
    • Channel Cost -10% per point
    Elemental Nova costs less mana per second to channel
    Silenced Spark1
    • Lightning Resistance +75%
    • Disables Lightning Nova
    You have additional lightning resistance while channeling, but Lightning Nova is disabled. If you have not taken the Fire Nova or Ice Nova nodes, then this node re-enables basic Elemental Nova.
    Shatter Nova3
    • More Damage Against Chilled 10% per point
    • More Damage Against Frozen 10% per point
    • More Damage Against Shocked 10% per point
    • More Damage Against Ignited 10% per point
    Elemental Nova hits deal more damage against chilled enemies, frozen enemies, shocked enemies, and ignited enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Freezing Cascade1
    • Freezing Cascade Chance 100%
    • Freezing Cascade Cooldown (seconds) 5
    Elemental Nova casts Freezing Cascade on hit, creating a cascade of freezing novas that chain between enemies.
    Arcane Projection1
    • Cast Elemental Nova At Target
    Elemental Nova is now cast at a target location instead of around you.
    Infernal Nova1
    • Area +250%
    • Channeled Area +25%
    • Ignite Duration +100%
    • Cooldown +4
    Elemental Nova has a significantly larger area of effect when directly cast, and ignites caused by Elemental Nova have increased duration, but Elemental Nova has a 4 second cooldown. The area of effect increase is smaller if Elemental Nova is channeled.
    • Overcharge Chance 8% per point
    • Overcharge Shock Chance +200%
    • Overcharge Area +75%
    Elemental Novas have a chance to be Overcharged. Overcharged Novas shock enemies and have a larger area of effect.
    • Channeled Elemental Nova
    • Novas Per Second 5
    • Mana Cost Per Second 48
    • Area -40%
    Elemental Nova becomes a channeled ability, unleashing 5 novas per second, and rapidly draining your mana. Elemental Nova has a smaller area of effect (multiplicative with other area modifiers).
    Fiery Destruction4
    • Critical Multiplier +35% per point
    Elemental Nova critical strikes deal more damage.
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