ClassFalconer level 15 skill
DescriptionLeaps backwards and throws a net which snares enemies and deals physical damage. Netted bosses and rare enemies have 35% less movement speed, and other enemies are immobilized.
Mana cost6
1.711 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.9s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1.4
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 60%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalThrowingMovementAreaDexterity
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameSpark Discharge
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
    Leaps backwards and throws a net which snares enemies and deals physical damage. Netted bosses and rare enemies have 35% less movement speed, and other enemies are immobilized.
    Rending Wires4
    • Bleed Chance +50% per point
    Net's hits have a chance to cause enemies to bleed.
    Advanced Engineering3
    • Area +16% per point
    Net snares enemies in a larger area.
    Surprise Snare1
    • Canot Be Dodged
    Net's hits cannot be dodged.
    • Slow Stacks When Free 1 per point
    Net's hits slows enemies.
    Tangled and Prone1
    • Enemies Cannot Dodge
    • Enemies Cannot Avoid Crits
    Netted enemies and enemies slowed by the Tanglewire node cannot dodge and cannot avoid critical strikes.
    Leading the Hunt3
    • Huntress Advantage Duration (seconds) 2 per point
    • Damage Against Slowed Or Immobilized +10%
    Using Net grants you the Huntress Advantage buff for a short duration, granting you more global damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) against slowed or immobilized enemies.
    Quick Throws2
    • Attack Speed With Buff +10% per point
    While you have Huntress Advantage you now also have global increased throwing attack speed.
    Barbed Net1
    • Deals Physical Damage Over Time
    • Bleed Stacks Per Second 1
    Net causes enemies to take physical damage over time and caused them to bleed each second.
    Voltaic Device1
    • Physical -> Lightning Conversion
    • Bleed -> Lightning Res Shred Chance
    • Damage Per Global Shock Chance +1%
    Net's base physical damage is converted to lightning. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to physical damage. Bleed chance on hit from all sources is converted to lightning resistance shred for Net. Additionally, Net deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per global shock chance. Swaps Net's Physical tag for a Lightning tag.
    Trapper's Crescendo1
    • Damage Per 1% Dodge Chance +1%
    Net deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) scaling with your dodge chance.
    Curved Hooks5
    • Damage +10% per point
    • Bleed Duration +10% per point
    Net deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and bleeds that it inflicts last longer.
    Acid Snare1
    • Physical -> Poison Conversion
    • Bleed -> Poison Chance
    Net's base physical damage is converted to poison. Consequently this damage scales with increases to poison damage, but not increases to physical damage. Bleed chance on hit from all sources is converted to poison chance for Net. Net gains the Poison tag.
    Bold Throw1
    • No Longer Flips Back
    You no longer flip back when using Net.
    Net Trap1
    • Throw Net Trap
    • Max Net Traps 6
    Net now throws a trap that releases a net at a nearby enemy when it triggers. You can have a maximum of 6 Net Traps active at once and they last up to 30 seconds.
    Spear Trap1
    • Trap Uses Puncture
    • Puncture Mana Consumption 115%
    Net Traps now also use Puncture for you when they are triggered. This will use the melee or bow version of Puncture depending on your equipped weapon. This consumes mana equal to a portion of Puncture's mana cost.
    Server of Tricks2
    • Additional Traps Thrown +1 per point
    • Mana Cost +5 per point
    You now throw additional Net traps with each throw, but Net costs additional mana.
    Trickster Artist1
    • Drops Caltrops
    When using Net you drop Caltrops at your starting location after jumping.
    Zone of Control3
    • Caltrops Area +15% per point
    Caltrops from all sources deal damage in a larger area.
    Silvered Spikes1
    • Caltrops Crit Chance Per 10% Slow Chance +1%
    Improves Caltrops' base critical strike chance from all sources per 10% global slow chance.
    Tinkerer's Combo1
    • Caltrops At Target Location
    • Caltrops per 2 Seconds 1
    If Net hits an enemy you now also throw Caltrops at your target location where the Net hits. This effect can occur once per 2 seconds.
    Agile Hunter1
    • Jump Distance +12%
    You jump further when using Net.
    Assault of the Huntress1
    • Jump Forward
    You now jump forwards when using Net instead of backwards and it is thrown behind you.
    Into the Shadows1
    • Smoke Bomb After Jump
    When directly using Net you now throw a Smoke Bomb after jumping.
    Strongly Woven4
    • Duration +10% per point
    Net snares enemies for a longer duration.
    Hunters of Heorot1
    • Chill Stacks On Bosses And Rares 3
    • Stun Duration (seconds) 2
    • Mana Gain 3
    • Cooldown (seconds) +10
    Net's hits chill bosses and rare enemies while other enemies are stunned for a short duration. Additionally, you gain mana for each moving enemy hit. This effect adds a 10 second cooldown.
    Engineering Smarts4
    • Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed 15% per point
    Net has a shorter cooldown.
    • Jump Distance Per Dex +3%
    • Counts as Traversal Skill
    • Reduced Cooldown Duration 35%
    You now jump further when using Net and it has a reduced cooldown. Net gains the Traversal tag.
    Entangled Weapons1
    • Physical Damage From Netted Enemies -12%
    Netted enemies deal less physical damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Exposed Bait4
    • Falcon Damage To Netted Enemies +10% per point
    Your Falcon deals more global damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to netted enemies.
    Weakening Threads3
    • Frailty Stacks 1 per point
    Net's hits apply frailty to enemies.
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