ClassSpellblade level 30 skill
DescriptionA melee attack which grants you a stack of Firebrand buff if it hits an enemy. Each stack of the Firebrand buff increases the size of subsequent Firebrand attacks and adds melee fire damage.
Mana cost0
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 1.5s
Use Delay: 0.3s
Speed Multiplier: 2
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsFireMeleeIntelligenceDexterity
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
Base Damage2 Fire
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
    A melee attack which grants you a stack of Firebrand buff if it hits an enemy. Each stack of the Firebrand buff increases the size of subsequent Firebrand attacks and adds melee fire damage.
    Searing Brand5
    • Damage +12% per point
    Firebrand deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Melee Damage Per Stack +4% per point
    Firebrand deals more melee damage per stack of Firebrand (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Frostbite Chance Per Stack +100%
    • Stacks Consumed 3 per point
    Using Shatter Strike consumes stacks of Firebrand to gain Frostbite Chance per stack consumed.
    • Increased Melee Crit Chance Per Stack 10% per point
    Firebrand has increased melee critical strike chance per stack of Firebrand.
    • Melee Critical Multiplier +5% per point
    Firebrand has additional melee critical strike multiplier per stack of Firebrand.
    Illuminating Fire3
    • Crit Chance per Stack Consumed +2% per point
    • Crit Multiplier per Stack Consumed +2% per point
    Consuming stacks of Firebrand with Incineration grants bonus critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier per stack.
    • Maximum Stacks +1 per point
    Firebrand can have more maximum stacks.
    • Armor Per Stack +10 per point
    • Fire Resistance Per Stack 5% per point
    Firebrand grants additional armor and fire resistance per stack of Firebrand.
    Mana Shell1
    • Ward Gain Per Stack 4
    Gain ward per stack of Firebrand when you hit at least 1 enemy with Mana Strike.
    • Static Charges +3 per point
    Gain stacks of Static if Firebrand hits at least one enemy.
    • Ward Gain 8 per point
    You gain ward when Firebrand hits at least one enemy.
    Warding Flames3
    • Ward Per Second Per Stack 3 per point
    You gain ward per second per stack of Firebrand.
    Undying Fire5
    • Stack Duration +15% per point
    Stacks of Firebrand last longer.
    • Stacks Refreshed
    You refresh the duration of all stacks of Firebrand when gaining a new stack.
    • Attack Speed Per Stack +3% per point
    • Maximum Added Speed 9% per point
    Firebrand attacks faster per stack of Firebrand, up to a maximum.
    Arcane Sharpshooter3
    • Spell Critical Multiplier +5% per point
    Firebrand grants global spell critical strike multiplier per stack of Firebrand.
    • Flame Wave On Hit
    If Firebrand hits at least one enemy, it consumes 6 mana to cast Flame Wave, a spell that deals fire damage in a line.
    • Ignite Chance +20% per point
    Firebrand has a chance to ignite enemies.
    • Spreading Flames Chance vs Ignited 6% per point
    • More Fire Damage Per Stack vs Spreading Flames +2% per point
    Firebrand has a chance to inflict Spreading Flames when hitting an ignited enemy. Stacks of Firebrand also grant more fire damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) against enemies afflicted by Spreading Flames.
    • Ignite Chance Per Stack +10% per point
    Each stack of Firebrand grants you global Ignite Chance.
    • Stacks Consumed 3 per point
    • Ignite Chance Per Stack +100%
    Using Flame Reave consumes stacks of Firebrand to gain Ignite Chance per stack consumed.
    • Stacks Per Attack +1
    • Mana Cost +6
    You gain an additional stack of Firebrand when attacking, but Firebrand costs more mana.
    Fading Flame3
    • Ward Per Stack Consumed or Expired 15 per point
    You gain ward when a stack of Firebrand expires or is consumed.
    Triple Strike1
    • Firebrand lines 3
    • Mana Cost +3
    Firebrand now shoots three lines instead of one in a cone in front of you, but costs more mana.
    • Other Melee Consumes Stacks
    • Damage Per Stack +12%
    Your next melee attack, that is not Firebrand, consumes all stacks of Firebrand and deals more damage per stack consumed (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Fire -> Lightning Conversion
    • Ignite -> Shock Chance
    Firebrands's base fire damage and added melee fire damage from stacks is converted to lightning. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to fire damage. All ignite chance from this tree is converted to shock chance and effects related to ignite now depend on shock instead. Swaps Firebrand's Fire tag for a Lightning tag.
    Ardent Branding1
    • Maximum Stacks +3
    • Damage Per Stack +3%
    • No Attack Speed Benefits
    Firebrand can have more maximum stacks and deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but no longer scales with attack speed. Firebrand can still gain attack speed from the Fulmination node.
    Brand of Arcanus1
    • Melee Fire Damage -> Spell Damage
    Stacks of Firebrand add spell damage rather than melee fire damage.
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