Home>Mage>Flame Reave
Flame ReaveFlame Reave
ClassSpellblade level 5 skill
DescriptionA melee attack that release a wave of flames from your weapon cleaving through enemies in a cone infront of you. Deals up to 50% less damage to distant enemies.

Deals 16 additional base fire damage. Other added melee damage applies at 160% effectiveness.
Mana cost26
1.375 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.8s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 60%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsFireMeleeAreaIntelligenceDexterity
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameFlame Reave
Base Damage16 Fire
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Flame Reave0
    A melee attack that release a wave of flames from your weapon cleaving through enemies in a cone infront of you. Deals up to 50% less damage to distant enemies. Deals 16 additional base fire damage. Other added melee damage applies at 160% effectiveness.
    Dancing Flames5
    • Attack Speed +4% per point
    • Mana Cost -14% per point
    • Range -5% per point
    Flame Reave has increased attack speed and costs less mana, but travels more slowly, reducing its range.
    Rhythm of Fire1
    • Stacks on use 4
    • Width when consuming 12 stacks +65%
    • Range when consuming 12 stacks +130%
    • Damage when consuming 12 stacks +130%
    Using Flame Reave grants 4 stacks of Rhymth of Fire. If you already have 12 stacks, Flame Reave instead consumes all the stacks to gain greatly increased width, range, and damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Stacks on Surge Use 6
    • Stacks on Fireball Use 5
    • Stacks on Manastrike Use 4
    • Stacks on Firebrand Use 3
    Directly using Surge, Fireball, Mana Strike, or Firebrand also grants stacks of Rhythm of Fire. These skills cannot consume stacks of Rhythm of Fire and you cannot exceed the number of stacks required for Flame Reave to consume stacks, which is 12 by default.
    Engulfing Flames4
    • Spreading Flames Chance +25% per point
    • Fire Damage Over TIme +12% per point
    Flame Reave hits have a chance to apply Spreading Flames. Flame Reave deals more fire damage over time (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Frenzied Flame4
    • Frenzy Chance 10% per point
    • Flame Reave Fire Damage during Frenzy +8 per point
    • Frenzy Duration (Seconds) 3
    Flame Reave hits have a chance to grant you Frenzy for 3 seconds. In addition to Frenzy's base effect it now grants Flame Reave additional melee fire damage.
    • Melee Fire Damage Per Sword +5 per point
    Flame Reave hits deal additional melee fire damage per equipped sword.
    Heat Wave5
    • Fire Damage +10% per point
    Flame Reave deals more fire damage (multiplicative with other modifiers)
    Volatile Strike2
    • Explosion Area +50% per point
    • Explosion Damage +50% per point
    Explosions from the Scorched Earth node are larger and deal more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Arcane Severance4
    • Melee Damage +4% per point
    • Melee Damage per 4 Spell Damage +1 per point
    Flame Reave deals more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and it deals added melee damage based on your added spell damage.
    Ember Infusion4
    • Melee Damage +12% per point
    Flame Reave deals more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Haste Duration 2
    • Cooldown (seconds) 4
    You gain Haste when you use Flame Reave, but Flame Reave has a cooldown. Does not increase the duration of the cooldown if Flame Reave already has one.
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +17% per point
    Flame Reave has a shorter cooldown.
    Infernal Calling1
    • Pulls Enemies On Return
    • Cooldown (seconds) +4
    Flame Reave pulls enemies with it while it returns to you, but now has a cooldown. Does not increase the duration of the cooldown if Flame Reave already has one.
    Precise Destruction3
    • Base Crit Chance +2% per point
    • Width -15% per point
    Improves Flame Reave's base critical strike chance, but deals damage in a narrower area.
    Infernal Alchemy3
    • Ward Gained 15 per point
    When you attack with Flame Reave and critically strike at least one enemy you gain ward.
    Slash and Burn4
    • Ignite Chance +25% per point
    Flame Reave hits have a chance to ignite enemies.
    Scorching Tide3
    • Melee Damage vs Ignited +20% per point
    Flame Reave hits deal more melee damage against ignited enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Chaos Flare4
    • More Crit Chance Against Ignited 40% per point
    Flame Reave melee hits have more critical strike chance against ignited enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers)
    Rolling Flames2
    • Range +15% per point
    Flame Reave travels faster, increasing its range.
    Ashen Waste2
    • Critical Multiplier +25% per point
    Flame Reave's critical strikes deal more damage.
    Unbound Flames3
    • Width +12% per point
    Flame Reave deals damage in a larger area.
    Catalyst of Ash2
    • Chance To Cast Fireball 12% per point
    When you hit an enemy with Flame Reave you have a chance to cast Fireball towards the enemy hit. Fireballs cast this way cannot have extra projectiles.
    Rolling Thunder1
    • 50% Base Damage -> Lightning 50%
    • Fire Damage modiifers on tree also apply to Lightning Damage
    • Ignite Chance from tree also grants Shock Chance
    Half of Flame Reave's base damage is converted to lightning, meaning that this half of the damage scales with increases to lightning damage but not with increases to fire damage. Fire damage bonuses from this tree now also apply to Lightning. Ignite chance from this tree now also grants an equal amount of shock chance. Flame Reave gains a Lightning tag.
    Scorched Earth3
    • Explosion Chance On Kill +10% per point
    Enemies killed by Flame Reave have a chance to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
    Flame Caller1
    • Returns To You
    Flame Reave returns to you. Flame Reave's damage continues to decrease while returning, to a minimum of 20% of the initial damage.
    • Circle Area Of Effect
    • Mana Cost +10
    • Range -35%
    Flame Reave hits enemies in an expanding circle centered on you, but has less range and costs significantly more mana.
    Lingering Embers2
    • Fire Aura Chance 20% per point
    • Ignite Chance per Fire Aura +4% per point
    You have a chance to cast Fire Aura when you use Flame Reave. Flame Reave has additional chance to Ignite on hit per active Fire Aura.
    • Required Rhythm of Fire Stacks -1 per point
    • Crit Chance when Consuming Stacks +2% per point
    Flame Reave requires fewer stacks of Rhythm of Fire to consume all stacks. This does not affect the bonuses from consuming stacks. Additionally when Flame Reave consumes Rhythm of Fire stacks it gains additional critical strike chance.
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