Home>Sentinel>Forge Strike
Forge StrikeForge Strike
ClassForge Guard Mastery Skill
DescriptionA melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you.

25% chance on hit to summon a Forged Weapon which lasts for 20 seconds and is affected by the stats and attack rate of your weapon. You can control up to 6 Forged Weapons at once.
Mana cost25
1.393 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.38s
Speed Multiplier: 0.95
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 33%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalMeleeMinionAreaStrengthAttunement
Minion TagsPhysicalMelee
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Attunement:
  • +4% increased Damage
  • +11 Minion Health
Per Level:
  • +11 Minion Health
Chance on Hit
Summon Forged Weapon
(Chance: 25%)
NameForge Strike
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Forge Strike0
    A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. 25% chance on hit to summon a Forged Weapon which lasts for 20 seconds and is affected by the stats and attack rate of your weapon. You can control up to 6 Forged Weapons at once.
    • Base Crit Chance +1% per point
    • Critical Multiplier +15% per point
    Improves Forge Strike's base critical chance, and critical strikes deal more damage.
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +25% per point
    • Attack Speed +5% per point
    • Forged Weapon Attack Speed +5% per point
    Forge Strike has increased cooldown recovery speed and attack speed. The attack speed bonus also applies to your Forged Weapons.
    Arcane Welding3
    • Ward Granted On Forged Weapon 25 per point
    You are granted ward when Forge Strike summons a Forged Weapon.
    Heavy Strike5
    • Damage +8% per point
    • Increased Stun Chance +16% per point
    • Also Applies to Forged Weapons
    Forge Strike and Forged Weapons deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and have an increased chance to stun enemies.
    Rending Descent5
    • Armor Shred Stacks Applied 1 per point
    • Armor Shred Duration +5% per point
    • Armor Shred Effect +5% per point
    Forge Strike hits reduce enemy armor, and armor shred applied by it last longer with increased effect.
    Reinforce Weapon3
    • Global More Damage +4% per point
    You deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) if you have used Forge Strike recently (last 4 seconds).
    Reinforce Armor4
    • Armor +25% per point
    You have increased armor if you have used Forge Strike recently (last 4 seconds).
    Engines of War5
    • Area +20% per point
    Forge Strike and Forged Weapons' hits deal damage in a larger area
    • Melee Fire Damage +4 per point
    • Fire Damage +10% per point
    Forge Strike deals additional melee fire damage and more fire damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Lava Burn4
    • Detonating Ground Hit Damage +40% per point
    Detonating Ground hits deal more damage.
    Ignited Grounds3
    • Detonating Ground Ignite Chance +100% per point
    • Ignite Duration +10% per point
    Detonating Ground has a chance to ignite enemies on hit.
    Forged by Fire4
    • Forged Weapon Fire Damage +10 per point
    Forged Weapons deal additional melee fire damage. Forged Weapons gain the fire tag.
    Well Forged Weapons4
    • Forged Weapon Duration +15% per point
    • Maximum Forged Weapons +1 per point
    Forged Weapons last longer and you can control more forged weapons at once.
    Mass Production3
    • Chance To Summon Forged Weapon +5% per point
    • Chance Against Bosses And Rares +20% per point
    Forge Strike has a higher chance to summon Forged Weapons. This added chance is much higher against bosses and rare enemies.
    • Forged Weapons Detonate
    • Forged Weapon Damage +25%
    • Forged Weapon Duration -75%
    Forged Weapons have a much shorter duration, but deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), and explode when they expire, dealing fire and physical damage to nearby enemies.
    Serrated Blade4
    • Physical Penetration with Bleed +25% per point
    • Bleed Duration +10% per point
    Bleed inflicted by Forge Strike has additional Physical Penetration and lasts longer.
    Fan The Flames2
    • Global Fire Penetration +15% per point
    You have additional global Fire Penetration if you have used Forge Strike recently (last 4 seconds).
    Rewarding Craft1
    • Forged Weapon Ward Per Second 15
    Forged Weapons no longer move or attack, but generate ward when you are near them.
    Singular Craft1
    • Base Crit Chance +5%
    • Bleed Chance +100%
    • Maximum Forged Weapons -50%
    Improves Forge Strike's base critical chance and its hits inflict bleeding on hit, but your maximum number of Forged Weapons is halved.
    Put to the Sword1
    • Converts To Sword
    • More Attack Speed 35%
    • Crit Multiplier -> Physical Penetration for Bleed
    • Cannot Crit
    Converts Forge Strike into a sword that falls from the sky instead. Forge Strike has more attack speed (multiplicative with other modifiers), cannot crit, and critical strike multiplier from the tree is converted to additional Physical Penetration for Bleed. Converts to a polearm if you also have the Spear Forge node.
    Spear Forge1
    • Converts To Spear
    • Critical Multiplier 100%
    • Area -35%
    Converts Forge Strike into a spear that falls from the sky instead. Forge Strike critical strikes deal significantly more damage, but it hits in a smaller area. Converts to a polearm if you also have the Put To The Sword node.
    Eagle Strike1
    • Cast At Target
    Forge Strike can now be cast at your target instead of in front of you.
    Goliath Strike1
    • More Hit Damage Against Rares And Bosses 25%
    Forge Strike hits deal more damage against rare and boss enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Anvil Blow1
    • Summons Anvil
    • Increased Stun Chance +100%
    • Increased Stun Duration +100%
    • Physical Damage On Direct Use +50%
    • Attack Speed -20%
    Converts Forge Strike into an anvil that falls from the sky instead. Forge Strike has an increased chance to stun enemies, and stuns it inflicts lasts longer, but it has less attack speed (multiplicative with other modifiers). Additionally, when you directly use Forge Strike it deals more physical damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Detonating Ground1
    • Forge Strike Casts Detonating Ground
    • Detonating Ground Ignite Chance 300%
    Forge Strike causes Detonating Ground, sending out cracks which erupt after 1.5 seconds, dealing melee fire damage and igniting enemies.
    • Chance To Convert To Great Axe 30%
    • Great Axe Area +100%
    • Great Axe Damage +20%
    • Great Axe Attack Speed -10%
    Forged Weapons now have a chance to become a Great Axe on summon, which deal more damage in a larger area, but attack slower.
    Beneath Solarum1
    • No Cooldown
    • Mana Cost +10
    Forge Strike has no cooldown, but costs additional mana.
    • Stun Chance -> Damage Over Time
    Ailments inflicted by Forge Strike deal increased damage over time equal to your increased stun chance.
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