Base Class | Sentinel |
Masteries | Void Knight | Forge Guard | Paladin |
Base str / dex / int / vit / att | 2 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 |
Base Health | 100 |
Base Mana | 50 |
Health / Level | 8 |
Mana / Level | 0.51 |
Health Regen | 6 |
Mana Regen | 8 |
Health Regen / Level | 0.14 |
Base Stun Avoidance | 250 |
Stun Avoidance / Level | 5 |
Starting Items | Gladius | Ringmail Hauberk | Renegade Shield | Traveller's Belt | Worn Boots |
Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | Attack | PhysicalMeleeArea | 0 | 0 | A basic attack with your weapon that costs no mana |
![]() | Vengeance | PhysicalMeleeAreaStrength | 0 | 0 | A melee attack that also prepares you to riposte incoming hits. If vengeance successfully hits an enemy and you take a hit in the next 2 seconds you will riposte, taking 25% less damage and striking at a nearby enemy. |
Level | Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | 2 | Warpath | PhysicalMeleeChanneledMovementAreaStrength | 1 | 0.5 | Spin towards the mouse while you hold down the ability key, striking nearby enemies as you move. |
![]() | 3 | Hammer Throw | PhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity | 3 | 0 | Throws a hammer that returns to you after a short delay. Added Throwing Damage is applied to each hit at 105% effectiveness. |
![]() | 4 | Lunge | PhysicalMeleeMovementTraversalAreaStrengthDexterity | 8 | 4 | Dash to a nearby enemy and strike it with your weapon. Cannot be used without a target. Costs more mana the further away the target is. |
![]() | 5 | Rive | PhysicalMeleeAreaStrength | 0 | 0 | A combo of three melee attacks. Every third consecutive attack with Rive slashes in a full circle around the character, dealing double damage. |
![]() | 7 | Shield Bash | PhysicalMeleeAreaStrength | 9 | 18 | Requires a shield. A melee directional attack that stuns enemies for 1 second. 100% increased stun duration against non-boss enemies. 1.5% more damage per 1% block chance (up to 150%, multiplicative with other modifiers). 20% of remaining cooldown recovered whenever you stun an enemy, including with Shield Bash itself. This effect can occur a maximum of two times each second. |
![]() | 18 | Javelin | PhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity | 9 | 0 | Hurl a javelin that pierces through every enemy in its path. If you have a spear equipped added melee damage from the spear applies to Javelin as added throwing damage at 50% of its normal value. Added melee damage from other sources has no effect. Added throwing damage applies at 180% effectiveness. |
![]() | 19 | Void Cleave | VoidMeleeMovementAreaStrengthVitality | 15 | 4 | Requires a 2-handed sword or axe. A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. Can be echoed by Void Knights. Unaffected by weapon range. |
Level | Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | 5 | Rebuke | PhysicalSpellChanneledAreaAttunement | 0 | 8 | Hold ability key to channel for up to 2 seconds. You take 80% less damage while channelling. When you stop channelling the barrier breaks dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. This deals 20 additional physical damage for each hit you received while channelling. |
![]() | 10 | Shield Rush | PhysicalMeleeMovementTraversalStrength | 50 | 4.5 | Requires a shield. Charge through enemies in the target direction until you release the ability key. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing. |
![]() | 15 | Multistrike | PhysicalMeleeAreaStrength | 0 | 0 | A melee attack that grants a stack of {Armament} if you hit at least one enemy. Armament stacks up to 2 times and each stack lasts 3 seconds. Each stack of {Armament} causes an additional sword to strike a nearby enemy when you use Multistrike. |
![]() | 20 | Smite | FireSpellAttunement | 3 | 0 | Smites a target enemy with a bolt of holy fire that descends from the sky, healing allies around the target for 60 health. If you are in the area you are also healed. Cannot be used without a target. |
Level | Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | 5 | Volatile Reversal | VoidSpellInstant CastMovementArea | 0 | 24 | Returns you to the position you were at 2 seconds ago, reverting changes to your current health and mana since then. |
![]() | 10 | Abyssal Echoes | VoidSpellDoTAreaVitality | 35 | 3 | A nova that echoes from up to 8 enemies it reaches and applies abyssal decay. Enemies with abyssal decay take void damage over time for 6 seconds, if they take a hit all the damage from abyssal decay is dealt to them immediately. |
![]() | 15 | Devouring Orb | VoidSpellAreaVitality | 18 | 4 | Creates a devouring orb at the target location that casts a void rift whenever something dies nearby, dealing void damage to enemies around the orb. Each successive rift has 12% more damage and area of effect, capped at an increase of 120%. |
![]() | 30 | Anomaly | VoidSpellArea | 0 | 12 | Combo skill that first sends enemies forward in time by 5 seconds. Reactivate the skill to bring those enemies back to your timeline early. |
![]() | Mastery | Erasing Strike | VoidMeleeAreaStrengthVitality | 30 | 5 | A melee attack that hits all enemies in a large area in front of you. Enemies killed by the hit are erased from existence, replaced by void rifts. |
Level | Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | 5 | Shield Throw | PhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity | 20 | 2 | Throws a shield at a target enemy. The shield ricochets to up to 2 additional targets before returning to you. The cooldown starts when the shield returns to you. |
![]() | 15 | Manifest Armor | MinionStrengthAttunement | 60 | 10 | Manifests an animated set of heavy armor, which attacks slowly. Stats granted by your body armor, helmet, gloves and boots also apply to your Manifest Armor. |
![]() | 30 | Ring Of Shields | MinionInstant CastStrengthAttunement | 30 | 15 | Manifests a ring of shields around you. Each shield has 75 base health and lasts up to 10 seconds. Shields draw enemy aggression and block projectiles. Stats on your equipped shield also apply to the shields created by Ring of Shields |
![]() | 40 | Smelter's Wrath | PhysicalFireMeleeChanneledAreaStrength | 35 | 1 | Channel to charge a powerful frontal cone attack, dealing fire and physical damage to all enemies hit. Charging for longer increases its range and power. 2 second maximum charge time. Your armor is doubled while channelling Smelter's Wrath. |
![]() | Mastery | Forge Strike | PhysicalMeleeMinionAreaStrengthAttunement | 25 | 4 | A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. 25% chance on hit to summon a Forged Weapon which lasts for 20 seconds and is affected by the stats and attack rate of your weapon. You can control up to 6 Forged Weapons at once. |
Level | Name | Tags | Mana Cost | Cooldown | Description | |
![]() | 5 | Healing Hands | SpellBuffAreaAttunement | 11 | 0 | Heals all allies in a target area for 50 health and applies a lingering warmth which heals 80 health over the next 3 seconds. The lingering warmth cannot stack on the same target. |
![]() | 15 | Sigils Of Hope | SpellBuff | 35 | 0 | Summons a sigil that orbits you, causing you and your allies' attacks and spells to deal 3 additional fire damage and increasing health regeneration by 30%. You can have up to 3 sigils at a time. Sigils expire after 15 seconds. |
![]() | 30 | Judgement | FireMeleeDoTSpellAreaStrengthAttunement | 15 | 4 | A powerful melee attack that leaves an area of {Consecrated Ground} for 4 seconds. Allies on the {Consecrated Ground} are healed for 50 health each second. Enemies on Consecrate Ground take fire damage over time that scales with spell damage. Consecrate Ground gains 1 spell damage per 5% increased healing effectiveness. |
![]() | Mastery | Holy Aura | SpellBuffInstant Cast | 30 | 10 | You and nearby allies passively gain 30% increased damage and +15% additional elemental resistance. Activating Holy Aura doubles the stat bonuses for 4 seconds. |