Home>Mage>Frost Claw
Frost ClawFrost Claw
ClassMage level 12 skill
DescriptionThree projectiles arc to the target location to create a burst of frost. Added spell damage applies to the burst at 100% effectiveness and it has a freeze rate of 40.
Mana cost12
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.27s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsColdSpellAreaIntelligence
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameFrost Claw (projectile)
Base Damage20 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate40
Delayed Cast
Delay: 1s
NameFrost Claw (projectile)
Base Damage20 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate40
Delayed Cast
Delay: 1s
NameFrost Claw (explosion)
Base Damage20 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate40
NameFrost Claw (projectile)
Base Damage20 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate40
Delayed Cast
Delay: 1s
Skill Tree Nodes
Runic Invocation0
    Three projectiles arc to the target location to create a burst of frost. Added spell damage applies to the burst at 100% effectiveness and it has a freeze rate of 40.
    Rending Cascade4
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier +20% per point
    • Critical Chance +2% per point
    Frost Claw has a higher chance to freeze enemies and a higher chance to critically strike.
    • Spell Damage per 3 Melee Damage +1 per point
    Frost Claw deals additional spell damage based on your added melee damage.
    Cold Star3
    • Damage +3% per point
    • Area +12% per point
    • Doubled with at least 1200 ward
    Frost Claw deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and its explosion deals damage in a larger area. These bonuses are doubled if you have at least 1200 ward.
    Gift of Winter3
    • Mana Cost -2 per point
    • Chance to gain 12 mana on Direct Cast 12% per point
    Directly casting Frost Claw costs less mana and you have a chance to regain mana when you cast it.
    Lava Talon1
    • Cold -> Fire Damage
    • Chill -> Ignite Chance
    Frost Claw's base cold damage is converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to cold damage. Chill chance from all sources is converted to ignite chance. Swaps Frost Claw's Cold tag for a Fire tag.
    Spark Artillery1
    • Cold -> Lightning Damage
    • Frostbite -> Shock Chance
    Frost Claw's base cold damage is converted to lightning, unless it has already been converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to cold damage. Frostbite chance from all sources is converted to shock chance. Swaps Frost Claw's Cold tag for a Lightning tag.
    Fen of the Frozen3
    • Slow Chance 20% per point
    • Chill Chance 20% per point
    Frost Claw hits have a chance to Slow and Chill.
    • Cast Speed +4% per point
    • Ailments Cleansed on Cast 1 per point
    You have increased cast speed with Frost Claw and when you cast Frost Claw you cleanse a random set of negative ailments on you.
    Artor's Sceptre5
    • Damage +4% per point
    • Frostbite Chance 20% per point
    Frost Claw deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), and its hits have a chance to inflict Frostbite.
    Frost Beyond Time1
    • Increased Ailment Duration 25%
    Frostbite, chill, slow, ignite, and shock inflicted by Frost Claw last longer.
    Celestial Conflux3
    • Elemental Nova Chance 14% per point
    You have a chance to cast Elemental Nova when Frost Claw's projectiles reach the target. This consumes mana equal to Elemental Nova's mana cost and cannot trigger if you are out of mana.
    Cold and Calculating1
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier per 1% Crit Chance +5%
    Frost Claw has a higher chance to freeze based on its critical strike chance.
    Kolheim Ballista1
    • Ice Barrage Rate of Fire on Hit +4%
    • Maximum Rate of Fire Increase 60%
    If you have an active Ice Barrage when you hit an enemy with Frost Claw, that Ice Barrage fires faster for the rest of its duration, up to a maximum.
    Power Word: Hail3
    • Ice Barrage Chance 5% per point
    You have a chance to cast Ice Barrage in the target direction when you cast Frost Claw. This consumes mana equal to Ice Barrage's mana cost and cannot trigger if you are out of mana.
    Shiver Shell3
    • Retaliation Chance 3% per point
    • Ward Gained on Cast 4 per point
    When you are hit by an enemy you have a chance to retaliate with Frost Claw. When you cast Frost Claw by any method you gain Ward.
    Reowyn's Veil1
    • Ward per 40% Freeze Rate Multiplier 1
    When you cast Frost Claw you gain ward based on its Freeze Rate Multiplier.
    • Chance To Cast On Melee Hit 10% per point
    • Mana Consumption 80%
    When you use a melee attack and hit at least one enemy you have a chance to cast Frost Claw towards it, or at another nearby enemy if the hit killed the original target. This effect consumes mana equal to a portion of Frost Claw's mana cost.
    Frozen Sleeper3
    • Max Stacks 2 per point
    • Cold Penetration per Stack +10%
    • Ice Spirals on Cast per Stack 1
    Gain a stack of Frozen Sleeper every second up to a maximum. When you cast Frost Claw it consumes all stacks to gain cold penetration per stack and release an Ice Spiral for each stack.
    Chaos Whirl4
    • Chance for Double Ice Spirals 25% per point
    • Ice Spiral Damage when Doubled +100%
    When you cast Ice Spirals there is a chance that the number of projectiles will be doubled and they'll all deal double damage.
    Age of Vengeance1
    • Glacier Area per Ice Spiral +8%
    • Glacier Cold Penetration per Ice Spiral +12%
    • Snap Freeze Area per Ice Spiral +16%
    • Snap Freeze Freeze Duration per Ice Spiral +4%
    For each active Ice Spiral, Glacier gains increased area and additional cold penetration, and Snap Freeze gains increased area and freeze duration.
    On Through The Snow1
    • Second Cast Behind Target
    • Mana Cost +4
    Directly casting Frost Claw causes it to recast from the target location to a location 4 meters behind it. The second can hit the same enemies as the first cast. Frost Claw costs additional mana.
    Ever Onward1
    • Third Cast Behind Target
    • Mana Cost +4
    The second cast from On Through The Snow causes a third cast. The third cast can hit the same enemies as the first and second casts. Frost Claw costs additional mana.
    Frozen Malice1
    • Second Cast Aimed
    • Mana Cost +2
    The second cast from On Through The Snow targets a random enemy that is 3 to 9 meters away from the original target location. Frost Claw costs additional mana.
    A Crack in the Ice1
    • Return Cast
    • Mana Cost +30%
    When the second cast from On Through The Snow is released, Frost Claw is also cast back towards you. Frost Claw's mana cost is increased.
    Hand of Morditas1
    • Extra Projectiles +2
    • Mana Cost +2
    Frost Claw has 2 additional projectiles allowing it to hit enemies in a wider area on the way to the target. Frost Claw costs additional mana.
    Volley of Glass1
    • All Projectiles Hit Same Target
    • No Burst
    • Mana Cost +90%
    • Base Freeze Rate -20
    Frost Claw no longer creates a burst of damage at the target, but its projectiles are now staggered and they can all hit the same target. Frost Claw's mana cost is increased, it no longer has the Area tag and it has a lowered base freeze rate.
    Frozen Reign1
    • Mana Cost -3
    • Damage vs Frozen +30%
    • Projectile Speed -30%
    Frost Claw has a lower mana cost and it deals more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to frozen enemies, but its projectiles are slower.
    Spark of Celerity5
    • Projectile Speed +12% per point
    • Mana Efficiency +12% per point
    Frost Claw's projectiles are faster and it costs less mana.
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