Home>Sentinel>Hammer Throw
Hammer ThrowHammer Throw
ClassSentinel level 3 skill
DescriptionThrows a hammer that returns to you after a short delay.

Added Throwing Damage is applied to each hit at 105% effectiveness.
Mana cost3
1.54 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1.05
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameHammer Throw
Base Damage21 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Hammer Throw0
    Throws a hammer that returns to you after a short delay. Added Throwing Damage is applied to each hit at 105% effectiveness.
    Rapid Throw5
    • Attack Speed +5% per point
    Hammer Throw has increased attack speed.
    Weighted Hammers5
    • Damage +15% per point
    • Projectile Speed -10% per point
    Hammer Throw deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but hammers travels slower.
    Enra's Technique1
    • Hit Damage +10%
    • Spiral -> Hit Damage +80%
    • Critical Multiplier Per Chain +40%
    • Orbit -> Base Crit Chance +4%
    Hammer Throw can no longer spiral, chain, or orbit. If your hammers would spiral, they instead deal significantly more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). If your hammers would chain, they instead deal more critical damage for each time they would chain. If your hammers would orbit you, they instead have additional base critical strike chance. Hammer Throw hits deal increased damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Mana Starved Forging1
    • Out-Of-Mana Cost 0
    When you are out of mana Hammer Throw is free.
    Shattering Force5
    • Armour Shred Chance +20% per point
    Hammer Throw hits have a chance to reduce enemy armor.
    Rapid Disintegration4
    • Disintegrating Aura Damage +25% per point
    • Mana Cost -1 per point
    Disintegrating Aura deals more damage, and Hammer Throw costs less mana.
    Force of Impact5
    • Hit Damage +5% per point
    • Increased Stun Chance 25% per point
    Hammer Throw hits deal more damage, have a higher chance to stun enemies, and stun for a longer duration.
    • Increased Stun Chance 60%
    • Increased Stun Duration 60%
    • Cannot Pierce
    Hammer Throw hits have a higher chance to stun enemies, and the stuns they inflict last longer, but Hammer Throw hits no longer pierce (travel through enemies hit).
    Chaining Hammers2
    • Additional Chains +1 per point
    • Hit Damage -10% per point
    • Attack Speed -10% per point
    Hammers chain to additional enemies, but Hammer Throw has less attack speed and its hits deal less damage (both multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • More Hit Damage Vs Stunned +30% per point
    • Increased Stun Duration +30% per point
    Hammer Throw deals more hit damage against stunned enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers) and the stuns they inflict last longer
    Battle Rouse5
    • Health Gained 20
    • Chance To Gain Health 10% per point
    Hammer Throw has a chance to grant you health on hit.
    Hammer of Want1
    • Dark Orb From Enemies Hit
    • Health Granted 6
    • Mana Granted 6
    • Cooldown (seconds) +5
    Hammer Throw rips a Dark Orb from enemies on hit, which travels back to you and grants 6 health and mana. Hammer Throw has a 5 second cooldown.
    Winged Hammers3
    • Projectile Speed 15% per point
    Hammers travel faster.
    Steadfast Path1
    • Chance To Deal Double Damage 35%
    • Hammers Do Not Return
    Hammer Throw hits have a chance to deal double damage, but hammers no longer return to you.
    • Damage +3% per point
    • Mana Cost -1 per point
    Hammer Throw deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and costs less mana.
    Zealot's Conviction5
    • Chance To Deal Double Damage +13% per point
    Hammer Throw hits have a higher chance to deal double damage.
    Guardian's Zeal3
    • Global Increased Damage Per Zeal Stack 10% per point
    • Global Increased Crit Chance Per Zeal Stack 10% per point
    • Maximum Zeal Stacks 3
    Using Hammer Throw grants you a stack of Zeal for 4 seconds, which increases your damage and critical strike chance by 10% per stack.
    Rahyeh's Legacy3
    • Global Ignite Chance Per Zeal Stack +10% per point
    Each stack of Zeal also grants you added global ignite chance.
    Disintegrating Aura1
    • Disintegrating Aura
    • Mana Cost +8
    • Attack Speed -20%
    Your hammers gain a Disintegrating Aura, causing enemies nearby them to take void damage over time, but Hammer Throw costs additional mana and has less attack speed (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Additional Chains +1
    • Hammers Do Not Return
    • Hit Damage -30%
    • Reduced Stun Chance 60%
    Hammers chain to nearby enemies instead of returning to you, but Hammer Throw hits deal less damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and have reduced chance to stun enemies.
    • Extra Projectiles +2 per point
    • Mana Cost +2 per point
    Hammer Throw launches additional hammers, but Hammer Throw costs more mana. Hammers from the same throw cannot hit the same enemy, unless they spiral.
    Avatar of the Spire1
    • Hammers Thrown In Nova
    • Double Extra Projectiles
    • Physical Damage +12
    Hammers are now thrown in a nova, with double the amount of additional hammers unless your hammers spiral. Hammer Throw hits deal additional throwing physical damage.
    Iron Spiral1
    • Hammers Spiral
    • Half Extra Projectiles
    • Mana Cost +4
    Hammers now travel in a spiral around you, but halves your amount of additional hammers and Hammer Throw costs more mana.
    Hammer Vortex1
    • Hammer Spiral Orbits You
    • Mana Cost +4
    Your spiralling hammers now orbit you, but Hammer Throw costs more mana.
    Page slapped together by Tunk