ClassSentinel level 18 skill
DescriptionHurl a javelin that pierces through every enemy in its path.

If you have a spear equipped added melee damage from the spear applies to Javelin as added throwing damage at 50% of its normal value. Added melee damage from other sources has no effect.

Added throwing damage applies at 180% effectiveness.
Mana cost9
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 1.2s
Use Delay: 0.3s
Speed Multiplier: 1.6
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 60%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
Base Damage36 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
    Hurl a javelin that pierces through every enemy in its path. If you have a spear equipped added melee damage from the spear applies to Javelin as added throwing damage at 50% of its normal value. Added melee damage from other sources has no effect. Added throwing damage applies at 180% effectiveness.
    Go for the Legs5
    • Bleed Chance +15% per point
    • Slow Chance +15% per point
    Javelin hits have a chance to cause enemies to bleed and have a chance to slow.
    Keen Outlook5
    • Max Bonus Hit Damage +20% per point
    Javelin hits deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to enemies the further away they are, up to a maximum.
    Forceful Hurl5
    • Maximum Physical Penetration +30% per point
    • Maximum Lightning Penetration +30% per point
    • Maximum Duration (seconds) 2.5
    Javelin gains physical and lightning penetration for each second you have been standing still up to a maximum duration.
    Holy Spears5
    • Lightning Damage +8 per point
    Javelin hits deal additional lightning damage.
    Divine Throws1
    • Base Damage -> Lightning
    • Ignite And Bleed -> Electrify Chance
    Javelin's base physical damage is converted to lightning. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to physical damage. Ignite and bleed chance from all sources is converted to Electrify and effects related to bleed or ignite now depend on Electrify instead. Swaps Javelin's Physical tag for a Lightning tag.
    Purifying Lightning5
    • Electrify Chance +20% per point
    • Lightning Penetration with Electrify +10% per point
    Javelin has a chance to Electrify enemies on hit. Electrify applied by Javelin has additional Lightning Penetration.
    Divine Fury4
    • Piercing Lightning Spears +2 per point
    • Javelin No Longer Pierces
    • Mana Cost +2 per point
    When Javelin hits an enemy it now splits into additional piercing lightning spears which aim towards enemies close to the target, but Javelin itself can no longer pierce and it costs more mana.
    Monster Piercer4
    • Hit Damage To High Health +30% per point
    Javelin hits deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to enemies on high health.
    Horde Spiker3
    • Hit Damage Per Pierced Enemy +10% per point
    • Max Bonus Hit Damage 40% per point
    Javelin hits deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) up to a maximum, for each enemy pierced.
    Beast Ender4
    • Base Crit Chance +2% per point
    Improves Javelin's base critical strike chance.
    Serrated Javelin5
    • Armor Shred Chance +30% per point
    • Armor Shred Duration +10% per point
    Javelin hits have a chance to shred enemy armor.
    Excellent Balance3
    • Mana Cost -3 per point
    Javelin costs less mana.
    Perfect Setup5
    • Next Melee Attack Mana Cost -5 per point
    Directly using Javelin causes your next melee attack to costs less mana.
    Sacred Forge4
    • Next Judgement Damage +15% per point
    • Next Forge Strike Damage +15% per point
    Directly using Javelin and hitting an enemy causes your next Judgement or Forge Strike to deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Mighty Delivery5
    • Damage +4% per point
    • Attack Speed +4% per point
    Javelin deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has increased attack speed.
    Burning Strength4
    • Ignite Chance +25% per point
    Javelin hits have a chance to ignite enemies.
    Siege Barrage1
    • 3 Javelins Rain Down
    • Mana Cost +12
    You now throw Javelin into the air causing 3 javelins to rain down at target location dealing damage in an area, but it costs more mana.
    Battle Standard1
    • Javelin Damage +250%
    • Increased Damage Per Attunement +2%
    • Endurance Threshold Per Attunement +2
    • Cooldown (seconds) +6
    Now only 1 Javelin rains down at target location, it deals more damage and persists for 4 seconds, but has a cooldown. It has a Battle Standard attached granting you and other allies in its radius increased damage and added endurance threshold based on your attunement.
    Banner of Restoration5
    • Healing Per Second 20 per point
    The Battle Standard now heals allies around it each second. The amount of health gained is increased by healing effectiveness.
    Ardent Symbol4
    • Duration (seconds) +2 per point
    The Battle Standard now lasts longer, but is still limited to one standard.
    Capture the Flag1
    • Flag Can Be Captured
    If an enemy walks over the Battle Standard it captures it and carries the flag until it expires.
    Divine Intervention1
    • Cast Smite Near Flag
    The Battle Standard now casts Smite at targets nearby every 1.6 seconds.
    Righteous Descend5
    • Smite Frequency +20% per point
    • Smite Base Crit Chance +2% per point
    The Battle Standard casts Smite more frequently and Smite cast this way has improved base critical strike chance.
    Surprise Initiative1
    • Dash To Flag Combo
    • Cooldown Duration (Seconds) +2
    Javelin is now a combo ability, the first part throws down the Battle Standard and the second part causes you to Dash to the flag. Javelin's cooldown is now longer.
    Spiked Bombardment2
    • Additional Javelins +1 per point
    • Mana Cost +25% per point
    Additional Javelins rain down, but Javelin costs more mana.
    Spear to the Thigh5
    • Damage Over Time +20% per point
    Javelin deals more damage over time (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Strategic Patience1
    • Damage +60%
    • Attack Speed -20%
    Javelin deals more damage, but has less attack speed (both multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Holy Trail1
    • Fire and Lightning Damage Trail
    • Healing Per Second 25
    • Cooldown (seconds) +3
    Javelin now leaves behind a Holy Trail, that deals fire and lightning damage to enemies each second, heals you and your allies each second and lasts for 6 seconds, but Javelin now has a cooldown. The amount of health gained is increased by healing effectiveness
    • Fire Damage +15% per point
    • Lightning Damage +15% per point
    • Melee Ignite Chance on Cooldown +30% per point
    • Melee Electrify Chance on Cooldown +30% per point
    Javelin deals more fire and lightning damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and you have a chance to ignite and electrify enemies with melee attacks while Javelin is on cooldown.
    Path of Judgement1
    • Spell Damage per 5% Increased Healing Effectivenes +1
    Holy Trail gains additional spell damage based on your increased healing effectiveness.
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