Home>Mage>Mana Strike
Mana StrikeMana Strike
ClassMage level 5 skill
DescriptionA melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, returning 15 mana if it hits an enemy.

Deals 15 base lightning damage.
Mana cost0
1.692 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.65s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 60%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsLightningMeleeAreaIntelligenceDexterity
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameMana Strike
Base Damage15 Lightning
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Mana Strike0
    A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, returning 15 mana if it hits an enemy. Deals 15 base lightning damage.
    Swift Sap4
    • Attack Speed +5% per point
    Mana Strike has increased attack speed.
    Rage Sap5
    • Global Increased Damage 7% per point
    You deal increased damage if you have hit an enemy with Mana Strike recently (past 4 seconds).
    Rune Sap3
    • Global Spell Damage Per Enemy Hit 4% per point
    Mana Strike hits grant you increased spell damage for 4 seconds. This effect can stack.
    Bountiful Victory4
    • Mana Gained On Kill 3 per point
    • Mana Gain On Rare Or Boss Hit 3 per point
    Mana Strike grants mana when it kills an enemy, or when it hits a rare or boss enemy.
    Critical Mana5
    • Mana Gained On Crit 3 per point
    Mana Strike grants mana when it critically strikes an enemy.
    Critical Rejuvenation1
    • Base Crit Chance +40%
    • No Critical Multiplier
    Significantly improves Mana Strike’s base critical strike chance, but Mana Strike no longer deals more critical strike damage.
    Mana Drain4
    • Mana Gained +20% per point
    Mana Strike grants you more mana.
    Repulsing Strikes1
    • Knockback Chance 100%
    Mana Strike has a chance to knock enemies back on hit. This effect has a 2 second cooldown.
    Celestial Precision1
    • Current Mana -> Critical Chance 10%
    • Base Crit Chance -5%
    Mana Strike gains base critical strike chance equal to a percentage of your current mana, but loses a fixed amount of base critical strike chance.
    Mana Spark3
    • Current Mana -> Base Lightning Damage 5% per point
    Mana Strike has additional melee lightning damage equal to a percentage of your current mana.
    Starved Strikes4
    • Out-Of-Mana Hit Damage +15% per point
    Mana Strike deals more damage while you are out of mana.
    Avatar of Hunger5
    • Out-Of-Mana Damage +20% per point
    • Mana Gained -1 per point
    Mana Strike deals more damage when you are out of mana (multiplicative with other modifiers), but also grant less mana.
    Explosive Flurry2
    • Attack Speed +4% per point
    • Lightning Mana Cost -20% per point
    Mana Strike has increased attack speed. Mana Arc created by Mana Storm costs less mana.
    Essence of Control3
    • Lightning Mana Cost -20% per point
    Mana Arc created by Mana Storm costs less mana.
    Sprite Blade5
    • Area +20% per point
    Mana Strike deals damage in a larger area.
    • Mana Gained While Out Of Mana +5 per point
    Mana Strike grants more mana on hit while you are out of mana.
    Arcanist's Blade3
    • Mana Gained +3 per point
    Mana Strike grants you more mana if it hits an enemy.
    Ward Strike3
    • Ward Gained +3 per point
    When you attack with Mana Strike and hit at least one enemy you gain ward
    • Mana Gain -> Ward Gain 25% per point
    A portion of mana gained on hit is converted to ward instead.
    Mind Warden2
    • Ward Gained +15% per point
    Mana Strike hits grant more ward.
    Star Guide1
    • Auto Target
    • Base Crit Chance +1%
    Mana Strike automatically targets the enemy closest to the cursor and has improved base critical strike chance.
    Teleporting Strikes1
    • Mana Strike Is Ranged
    • Mana Gained -80%
    Mana Strike hits enemies at a target location, rather than in front of you, but grants significantly less mana.
    Mana Cleave1
    • Double Mana Gained
    • Area +120%
    • Cooldown (seconds) 4
    • Attack Speed -20%
    Mana Strike grants twice as much mana on hit and hits in a much larger area, but has a cooldown and less attack speed (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Spark Charges4
    • Spark Charge Chance +25% per point
    Mana Strike hits have a chance to attach a Spark Charge.
    Mana Storm1
    • Casts Lightning At Positive Mana
    • Lightning Mana Cost 15
    Mana Strike additionally strikes enemies it hits with Mana Arc while you are not out of mana. Mana Arc consumes 15 mana.
    Frigid Grasp1
    • Lightning -> Cold Conversion
    • Shock -> Frostbite Chance
    • Freeze Rate 40
    Mana Strike's base lightning damage is converted to cold. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not increases to lightning damage. It now has a chance to freeze enemies. Shock chance on hit from all sources is converted to frostbite chance for Mana Strike. Swaps Mana Strike's Lightning tag for a Cold tag.
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