ClassRunemaster level 30 skill
DescriptionA combo spell that fires piercing projectiles. The first part of the combo is fire, the second is lightning, and the third is cold.
Mana cost3
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.9s
Use Delay: 0.25s
Speed Multiplier: 1.2
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 45%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsFireSpellLightningColdIntelligence
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
Combo Skill
  • Runebolt
  • Runebolt
Base Damage20 Fire
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
    A combo spell that fires piercing projectiles. The first part of the combo is fire, the second is lightning, and the third is cold.
    • Cast Speed +4% per point
    • Haste Chance +4% per point
    • Haste Duration 1 per point
    Runebolt has increased cast speed and it has a chance to grant you the Haste buff for a short duration.
    Cryomantic Bolt3
    • Cold Damage +10% per point
    Runebolt deals more cold damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Frost Spikes1
    • Lightning -> Cold Damage
    • Shock -> Chill Chance
    The Lightning Bolt's base lightning damage is converted to cold. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not increases to lightning damage. Shock chance from all sources is converted to Chill for Runebolt and effects related to shock now depend on chill instead. Swaps the Lightning Bolt's Lightning tag for a Cold tag.
    Ice Shard1
    • Fire -> Cold Damage
    • Ignite -> Chill Chance
    The Fire Bolt's base fire damage is converted to cold. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not increases to fire damage. Ignite chance from all sources is converted to Chill for Runebolt and effects related to ignite now depend on chill instead. Swaps the Fire Bolt's Fire tag for a Cold tag.
    Fulminating Bolt3
    • Lightning Damage +6% per point
    Runebolt deals more lightning damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Lightning Spear1
    • Cold -> Lightning Damage
    • Chill -> Shock Chance
    The Cold Bolt's base cold damage is converted to lightning. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to cold damage. Chill chance from all sources is converted to Shock for Runebolt and effects related to chill now depend on shock instead. Swaps the Cold Bolt's Cold tag for a Lightning tag.
    Jolting Spark1
    • Fire -> Lightning Damage
    • Ignite -> Shock Chance
    The Fire Bolt's base fire damage is converted to lightning. Consequently this damage scales with increases to lightning damage, but not increases to fire damage. Ignite chance from all sources is converted to Shock for Runebolt and effects related to ignite now depend on shock instead. Swaps the Fire Bolt's Fire tag for a Lightning tag.
    Pyromantic Bolt3
    • Fire Damage +6% per point
    Runebolt deals more fire damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Blazing Flare1
    • Lightning -> Fire Damage
    • Shock -> Ignite Chance
    The Lightning Bolt's base lightning damage is converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to lightning damage. Shock chance from all sources is converted to ignite for Runebolt and effects related to shock now depend on ignite instead. Swaps the Lightning Bolt's Lightning tag for a Fire tag.
    Searing Dart1
    • Cold -> Fire Damage
    • Frostbite -> Ignite Chance
    The Cold Bolt's base cold damage is converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to cold damage. Frostbite chance from all sources is converted to ignite for Runebolt and effects related to Frostbite now depend on ignite instead. Swaps the Cold Bolt's Cold tag for a Fire tag.
    Efficient Experiment1
    • Chance to Double Cast Per 5 Glyph of Chaos 1%
    • Maximum Chance to Double Cast 20%
    Runebolt now randomly selects the element with each cast rather than by combo order. Directly casting Rune Bolt now has a chance to double cast if the previous cast was a different type. The chance is based on the amount of Glyph of Chaos you have in your crafting inventory.
    Arcane Overcharge5
    • Extra Projectiles Chance +20% per point
    • Extra Projectiles +2
    Runebolt has a chance to shoot additional projectiles in a volley in front of you.
    Supercharged Bolt1
    • Double Extra Projectiles Chance
    • Extra Projectiles +2
    Runebolt's chance to shoot extra projectiles from the Arcane Overcharge node and the amount of projectiles are doubled while standing in a Glyph of Dominion.
    Runic Evocation1
    • Auto Targets
    • Projectiles in Cone
    Runebolt now shoots in a cone and the projectiles seek out enemies.
    Attuned Recovery3
    • Health Gain with Fire Bolt 25 per point
    • Ward Gain with Lightning Bolt 15 per point
    • Mana Gain with Cold Bolt 2 per point
    Directly casting Runebolt and hitting at least one enemy grants you health if it was a Fire Bolt, ward if it was a Lightning Bolt and mana if it was a Cold Bolt.
    Amplified Cascade1
    • Runebolt Becomes Tri-Elemental
    • Damage With Tri-Elemental +50%
    • Health Gain With Tri-Elemental 25
    • Ward Gain With Tri-Elemental 15
    • Mana Gain With Tri-Elemental 2
    If your last three direct casts were all Runebolt, then any further cast of it becomes tri-elemental (fire, lightning and cold). Tri-elemental Runebolt deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and applies all the effects of the Attuned Recovery node. Once you directly cast another skill, Runebolt loses all of these effects.
    Inscription of Momentum1
    • Damage through Frost Wall +30%
    • Projectile Speed through Frost Wall +30%
    When Runebolt passes through a Frost Wall it is intensified dealing more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and gains increased projectile speed.
    Punch Through Metal5
    • Armor Shred Chance +20% per point
    Runebolt hits have a chance to shred enemy armor.
    Kinetic Breach1
    • Physical Spell Damage per Strength from Nearby Ally +1
    Runebolt deals additional physical damage per point of strength of you or your nearby ally with the highest amount of strength.
    • Runestone On Cast Instead Of Runebolt
    • Rune Bolts from Runestone 2
    • Runestone Duration (seconds) 8
    • Explosion Mana Consumption 20
    Directly casting Runebolt now creates a Runestone in front of you if you do not currently have one nearby instead of casting a Runebolt. If you have a nearby Runestone, directly using Runebolt now casts two bolts from the Runestone towards the target. After several seconds Runestone consumes mana to explode.
    Awakened Runestone4
    • Chance to cast Rune Bolt 25% per point
    Every second while channeling a skill, your nearest Runestone has a chance to cast Runebolt towards your target.
    • Rune Bolt Explodes
    • Mana Cost +6
    Runebolt now explodes when it reaches its target location or when hitting enemies or obstacles, dealing damage of the corresponding element in an area.
    Wrecking Ball1
    • Increased Area per Uncapped Resistance 1%
    The explosion from Devastator deals damage in a larger area per uncapped resistance of the corresponding element.
    Arcane Restoration4
    • Mana Gain Chance +25% per point
    • Mana Gain 12
    Directly casting Runebolt and hitting at least one enemy has a chance to grant you mana.
    • Maximum Runeweave Stacks 1 per point
    • Increased Mana Regen per stack 4%
    • Mana Spent Gained As Ward per stack 40%
    • Runeweave Duration (seconds) 3
    Casting Runebolt and hitting at least one enemy grants you a stack of Runeweave up to a maximum.
    Dissolve and Conquer1
    • Elemental Damage per stack of Armor Shred +0.5%
    • Maximum Damage Boost per stack of Runeweave 7%
    Each stack of Runeweave also grants you more elemental damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per stack of armor shred on the target up to a maximum.
    Cosmic Tapestry3
    • Runic Invocation Crit Chance per stack +1% per point
    Each stack of Runeweave also grants your Runic Invocation additional critical strike chance.
    Orderly Conduit3
    • Ignite Chance with Rah Rune +15% per point
    • Shock Chance with Gon Rune +15% per point
    • Frostbite Chance with Heo Rune +15% per point
    Runebolt gains additional effects for each unique Rune you have. Multiple Runes of the same type does not stack the effect. Rah Rune: Runebolt has a chance to ignite enemies. Gon Rune: Runebolt has a chance to shock enemies. Heo Rune: Runebolt has a chance to inflict Frostbite on enemies.
    Torrent of Evocation1
    • Reverses order of Rune Bolt Combo
    Runebolt's combo is now cast in a reversed order.
    Focused Runewords1
    • Runic Invocation Runes Randomization on Cast
    Casting Runebolt now randomizes the runes of your Runic Invocation.
    • Rune Bolt Sequence as Recent Runic Invocation
    Runebolt is now cast in a sequence with the same order of your most recent Runic Invocation
    Imbued Runestone1
    • Additional Runebolt Casts 1
    • Area 100%
    • Explosion Damage 100%
    • Imbued Effect Cooldown 20s
    If you have 3 Runes from Runic Invocation when you create a Runestone, the Runes are consumed to instead create an Imbued Runestone that fires three bolts. An Imbued Runestone's explosion has 100% more area of effect and damage. This effect has a 20 second cooldown. When you cast Runic Invocation the remaining cooldown is reduced by 20% per Rune in the Invocation.
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