Home>Mage>Shatter Strike
Shatter StrikeShatter Strike
ClassSpellblade Mastery Skill
DescriptionA sweeping melee attack of 2 arcs that strikes enemies in a circle around you dealing cold damage and instantly kills frozen enemies below 100 health.

Enemies in the middle of the attack are hit twice, where the arcs overlap.
Mana cost15
1.692 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.65s
Use Delay: 0.16s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 35%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsColdMeleeAreaDexterityIntelligence
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Melee Damage
  • +1 Melee Cold Damage
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Cold Damage
  • +4% Freeze Rate Multiplier
NameShatter Strike Right
Base Damage2 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate50
NameShatter Strike Left
Base Damage2 Cold
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Freeze Rate50
Skill Tree Nodes
Shatter Strike0
    A sweeping melee attack of 2 arcs that strikes enemies in a circle around you dealing cold damage and instantly kills frozen enemies below 100 health. Enemies in the middle of the attack are hit twice, where the arcs overlap.
    Icy Flow5
    • Mana Efficiency +10% per point
    • Ward Gained +3 per point
    Shatter Strike costs less mana and grants you ward when you attack with it and hit at least one enemy.
    • Frostbite Chance +25% per point
    Shatter Strike has a chance to inflict enemies with Frostbite.
    Razor Ice5
    • Cold Penetration with Frostbite +12% per point
    Frostbite inflicted by Shatter Strike has additional Cold Penetration.
    Absolute Zero4
    • Damage +15% per point
    • Attack Speed -5% per point
    Shatter Strike deals more damage, but has less attack speed (both multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Cold Presence4
    • More Damage +10% per point
    • Doubled Against High Health Enemies
    Shatter Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This effect is doubled against enemies at high health.
    • Area +20% per point
    • Cold Penetration +5% per point
    Shatter Strike deals damage in a larger area and penetrates enemy cold resistance.
    Cold Steel4
    • Critical Multiplier Per Sword +20% per point
    Shatter Strike’s critical strikes deal more damage per equipped sword.
    • Kill Threshold Against Frozen Enemies +50% per point
    Shatter Strike instantly kills frozen enemies that are below a health threshold.
    Winter's Boon1
    • Kill Threshold Per Skill Used +25%
    Shatter Strike instantly kills frozen enemies that are below a higher health threshold, proportional to how many unique skills you have used since using Shatter Strike (maximum of 4).
    Breadth of Cold3
    • Damage +10% per point
    • Area +10% per point
    Shatter Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area.
    • Attack Speed +15% per point
    • Cannot Use With Wand Or Two Hander
    Shatter Strike has increased attack speed, but cannot be used if you have a wand or two-handed weapon equipped.
    Lingering Chill4
    • Global More Cold Damage +5% per point
    • Global Freeze Rate Multiplier +40% per point
    You deal more cold damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and are more likely to freeze enemies if you have used Shatter Strike recently (past 4 seconds).
    Ice Barrier3
    • Armor Gained +50 per point
    • Doubled Against Frozen
    When you use and hit at least one enemy with Shatter Strike, you gain additional armor for 4 seconds. This effect is doubled if you hit a frozen enemy.
    • Less Cold Damage Taken On Hit 5% per point
    • Doubled Against Frozen Enemies
    You take less cold damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) for 4 seconds after hitting an enemy with Shatter Strike. This effect is doubled when hitting a frozen enemy.
    • Ward Gained +2 per point
    • Doubled Against Frozen
    You gain ward when you use Shatter Strike and hit at least one enemy. This effect is doubled if you hit a frozen enemy.
    Frigid Efficacy3
    • Ice Spikes Damage +30% per point
    • Ice Spikes Projectile Speed +30% per point
    Ice Spikes deal more damage and move faster, causing them to travel farther.
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier +50% per point
    Shatter Strike has a higher chance to freeze enemies.
    Glacial Smash4
    • Hit Damage +8% per point
    • Doubled Against Frozen Enemies
    Shatter Strike's hits deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This effect is doubled against frozen enemies.
    • Ignite -> Frostbite
    Shatter Strike hits convert all stacks of ignite on enemies into Frostbite.
    Arctic Blast1
    • Knockback At Overlap
    Enemies hit by both of Shatter Strike’s arcs are knocked back.
    • Chill Chance +100%
    Shatter Strike chills enemies.
    Frigid Zephyr1
    • Haste On Instant Kill
    Shatter Strike grants Haste for two seconds when instantly killing low health enemies.
    • Recasts 1 per point
    • Less Attack Speed 10% per point
    • Mana Cost +80% per point
    Shatter Strike recasts after it finishes, but costs more mana and has less attack speed (multiplicative with other modifiers). You can use other skills during the recasts.
    Frozen Shrapnel1
    • Shatter Strike Casts Ice Spikes
    Shatter Strike fires Ice Spikes from the edge of its area of effect.
    Unrelenting Winter1
    • Frozen Ground
    • Chill Stacks Per Second 1
    Shatter Strike leaves a patch of Frozen Ground for 5 seconds, which chills enemies who walk on it each second.
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