Home>Sentinel>Shield Rush
Shield RushShield Rush
ClassSentinel level 10 skill
DescriptionRequires a shield.

Charge through enemies in the target direction until you release the ability key. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing.
Mana cost50
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.1s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 0%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalMeleeMovementTraversalStrength
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameShield Rush
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance0%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
NameShield Rush End
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
NameShield Rush
100% less Mana Regen
Skill Tree Nodes
Shield Rush0
    Requires a shield. Charge through enemies in the target direction until you release the ability key. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing.
    Consuming Path5
    • Damage +20% per point
    Shield Rush deals more damage.
    Will Breaker4
    • Hit Damage Vs Full Health Enemies +30% per point
    Shield Rush hits deal more damage to enemies at full health (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Dark Regression1
    • Reverse Void Beam
    • Mana Cost +10%
    When Shield Rush ends it creates a Void Beam that travels back in the direction you came from, but Shield Rush costs more mana.
    Void Breaker2
    • Final Hit Void Damage +5 per point
    Shield Rush's final hit deals additional melee void damage.
    Temporal Strike4
    • Void Damage +8 per point
    • Damage Reduced By Increased Attack Speed %
    Shield Rush hits deal additional void damage, but this damage is reduced by your increased attack speed.
    Rush Mastery6
    • Mana Efficiency +20% per point
    Shield Rush costs less mana.
    Protective Speed2
    • Damage Taken While Rushing -10% per point
    You take less damage while using Shield Rush (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Unstoppable Charge5
    • Increased Stun Chance +35% per point
    Shield Rush hits have an increased chance to stun enemies.
    Mana Memory1
    • Mana Restored When Shield Rush Ends
    • Cooldown 10
    When Shield Rush ends, your mana is restored to the amount you had when it started, but Shield Rush now has a 10 second cooldown.
    Endless Cycle4
    • Additional Charges +1 per point
    • Damage Taken +15% per point
    Shield Rush gains additional charges, but you take more damage while using Shield Rush (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    The Rush of Sacrifice1
    • No Cooldown
    • Health Cost 15%
    Shield Rush no longer has a cooldown, but costs health in addition to mana to use.
    Warrior's Entrance4
    • Final Hit Damage +4% per point
    • Final Hit Area +24% per point
    Shield Rush's final attack deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area.
    Splintering Impact8
    • Final Hit Damage +20% per point
    Shield Rush's final hit deals more damage.
    Critical Rush2
    • Final Hit Base Crit Chance +4% per point
    Improves the base critical strike chance of Shield Rush's final hit.
    Obliterating Rush2
    • Final Hit Critical Multiplier +40% per point
    Critical strikes from Shield Rush's final hit deal more damage.
    Stretched Time5
    • Final Hit Echo Damage +45% per point
    • Delay Between Hits +20% per point
    Shield Rush's final hit echo deals significantly more damage, but the delay between the final hits is longer.
    Critical Echo2
    • Final Hit Echo Base Crit Chance +4% per point
    Improves the base critical strike chance of Shield Rush's final hit echo.
    Obliterating Echo2
    • Final Hit Echo Critical Multiplier +40% per point
    Critical strikes from Shield Rush's final hit echo deal more damage.
    Descent of the Void1
    • Forward Void Beam
    • Mana Cost +20%
    When you cast Shield Rush you create a Void Beam that travels with you, which is a spell that deals void damage over time in a small area. Shield Rush costs more mana.
    Dark Rush1
    • No Longer Requires Shield
    • Base Void Damage +5
    • Mana Cost +30%
    Shield Rush no longer requires a shield and hits deal additional base void damage, but Shield Rush costs more mana.
    Desynchronous Charge1
    • Return To Starting Position
    When Shield Rush ends, you return to the position you used it from. This removes Shield Rush's Traversal tag.
    Echoes of the Charge1
    • Final Hit Strikes Twice
    • Hit Damage -20%
    Shield Rush's final hit strikes a second time after a 0.5s delay, but Shield Rush hits deal less damage.
    Page slapped together by Tunk