Home>Sentinel>Shield Throw
Shield ThrowShield Throw
ClassForge Guard level 5 skill
DescriptionThrows a shield at a target enemy. The shield ricochets to up to 2 additional targets before returning to you.

The cooldown starts when the shield returns to you.
Mana cost20
1.589 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.9s
Use Delay: 0.25s
Speed Multiplier: 1.3
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 30%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalThrowingStrengthDexterity
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
Per Point of Dexterity:
  • +4% increased Damage
Combo Skill
  • Shield Throw
NameShield Throw
Base Damage45 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Shield Throw0
    Throws a shield at a target enemy. The shield ricochets to up to 2 additional targets before returning to you. The cooldown starts when the shield returns to you.
    • Armor Granted To Allies +100 per point
    • Can Target Allies
    Shield Throw can target and ricochet to allies other than yourself. Allies are granted armor for 4 seconds when Shield Throw hits them.
    Forceful Breaking2
    • Lava Burst Area +30% per point
    Lava Burst deals damage in a larger area.
    Magma Rage5
    • Lava Burst Hit Damage +30% per point
    Lava Burst deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Projectile Speed +15% per point
    • Throwing Fire Damage +4 per point
    Thrown shields travel faster, and Shield Throw deals additional throwing fire damage.
    Molten Toss3
    • Fire Damage +25% per point
    Shield Throw deals more fire damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Burning Crusade4
    • Ignite Chance +25% per point
    Shield Throw and Lava Burst hits have a chance to ignite enemies.
    Polished Steel5
    • Mana Cost -4 per point
    Shield Throw costs less mana.
    Armoring Aegis4
    • Armor Granted On Ricochet +20 per point
    Shield Throw grants you armor for 4 seconds when it ricochets.
    • Armor (While On Cooldown) +25% per point
    You have increased armor while Shield Throw is on cooldown.
    Vampiric Shield4
    • Health Gained On Ricochet +5 per point
    You gain health when Shield Throw ricochets.
    Iron Monger5
    • Armor Stolen 10 per point
    Shield Throw steals 10 armor on hit for 4 seconds.
    Heavy Shield5
    • Throwing Damage +6 per point
    Shield Throw deals additional throwing damage.
    Sharpened Rim3
    • Base Crit Chance +2% per point
    Improves Shield Throw's base critical strike chance.
    Crippling Throw4
    • Increased Stun Chance +25% per point
    • Slow Chance +25% per point
    Shield Throw has a chance to slow and increased chance to stun enemies.
    Throwing Arm4
    • Throwing Attack Damage +25% per point
    You are granted global increased throwing attack damage if you have used Shield Throw recently (last 4 seconds).
    Fleet of Foot4
    • Haste Duration On Cast (Seconds) 0.5 per point
    When you cast Shield Throw, you are granted Haste for a duration.
    Shield Barrage1
    • No Cooldown
    • Mana Cost -5
    • Projectile Size -30%
    • Damage -25%
    Shield Throw no longer has a cooldown and costs less mana, but shields are smaller and deal less damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Stun Avoidance Granted To Allies
    Aegis also grants allies stun avoidance when Shield Throw hits them. The amount granted is equal to the armor Aegis provides.
    • Additional Ricochets +1 per point
    • Attack Speed +4% per point
    • Mana Cost +4 per point
    Shield Throw has increased attack speed and ricochets to additional targets, but Shield Throw costs more mana.
    Manifest Inspiration1
    • Manifest Armor Casts Sweeping Melee Attack When Hit
    If your Manifest Armor is hit by the shield, it performs a sweeping melee attack. This attack cannot be triggered when the shield has no ricochets remaining.
    Testament of Light1
    • Increased Aegis Effect Per Point Of Attunement 6%
    The benefits granted by Aegis are increased for each point of attunement you have.
    • Lava Burst Cast On Ricochet
    Whenever Shield Throw ricochets on an enemy it casts Lava Burst, a spell dealing fire damage to all enemies near the impact.
    Molten Shield1
    • Shield Throw Damage -> Fire Damage
    • Increased Stun Chance -> Added Ignite Chance
    Shield Throw's base physical damage is converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to physical damage. All increased stun chance from this tree is converted to added ignite chance.
    Focused Campaign1
    • Cooldown Reset When Shield Returns
    • Number Of Ricochets -50%
    Shield Throw's cooldown is immediately reset when your shield returns to you, but the number of Shield Throw ricochets is halved (rounded down).
    Hemrin's Technique2
    • Ricochets +1 per point
    Shield Throw ricochets to additional targets.
    Spiked Plates1
    • Block Chance -> Damage 50%
    Shield Throw deals more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) equal to 50% of your block chance.
    Rygar's Fury1
    • Block Chance -> Damage 100%
    • Cannot Block While Shield Throw Is Released
    Shield Throw deals more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) equal to 100% of your block chance, but you cannot block while Shield Throw is released.
    Avenger's Wrath1
    • Critical Multiplier per 100 Block Effectiveness 2%
    Shield Throw critical hits deal more damage based on your block effectiveness.
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