Home>Rogue>Smoke Bomb
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb
ClassRogue level 5 skill
DescriptionDrop a Smoke Bomb at your feet that blinds enemies and grants you haste while you remain inside it. The Smoke Bomb grows in size over its duration. Lasts 4 seconds.
Mana cost21
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.3s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 80%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsThrowingArea
Ailments in Radius
Target Type: Ally, Interval: 0.5s, Radius: 0.72
Haste (Chance: 100%)
Target Type: Enemy or Ally, Interval: 0.5s, Radius: 0.72
Blind (Chance: 100%)
Skill Tree Nodes
Smoke Bomb0
    Drop a Smoke Bomb at your feet that blinds enemies and grants you haste while you remain inside it. The Smoke Bomb grows in size over its duration. Lasts 4 seconds.
    Thick Smoke1
    • Slow Stacks +1
    Applies slow to enemies within the smoke cloud each second.
    Eroding Fumes4
    • Armour Shred Stacks +1 per point
    Applies armor shred to enemies within the smoke cloud each second.
    Venom Infusion4
    • Poison Chance +25% per point
    You have a chance to poison enemies with bow attacks while inside the smoke cloud.
    Swirling Fog4
    • Armour Shred Frequency +25% per point
    • Slow Frequency +25% per point
    Smoke Bomb has a chance to shred enemy armor each second within the smoke cloud.
    Lingering Fumes5
    • Duration +10% per point
    The smoke cloud lasts longer.
    Shadow Hunter5
    • Base Crit Chance +2% per point
    • Blinds With Bow Attacks
    Your bow attacks have improved base critcal strike chance and blind enemies while you are inside the smoke cloud.
    Smoke Blades5
    • Melee Damage +4 per point
    • Throwing Damage +4 per point
    • Buff Duration (seconds) 4
    You and allies are granted Smoke Blades each second for 4 seconds while inside the smoke cloud, granting you additional melee and throwing damage. This effect can stack.
    Blood Bandit3
    • Melee Leech +2% per point
    • Throwing Leech +2% per point
    Smoke Blades now also causes melee and throwing attacks to leech a portion of the damage you deal as health.
    • Area +20% per point
    The smoke cloud covers a larger area.
    • Frailty Duration (seconds) 1 per point
    The initial burst applies Frailty to enemies, causing them to deal less damage.
    Purging Fumes1
    • Cleanses Ailments
    The initial burst also cleanses negative ailments on allies.
    • Mana Gain 10
    The initial burst consumes all Shadows inside the smoke to grant you and allies mana per Shadow consumed this way.
    Hasty Combustion1
    • Ignites Early
    Leaving the smoke cloud early causes it to immediately catch fire and end.
    Shrouded in Darkness1
    • Glancing Blow Chance +5%
    • Dodge Rating +50
    • Buff Duration (seconds) 2
    You are granted a stack of Dusk Shroud each second for 2 seconds while you are in the smoke cloud, granting you glancing blow chance and dodge rating. This effect can stack.
    Rapid Concealment4
    • Dusk Shroud Frequency +25% per point
    The smoke cloud grants stacks of Dusk Shroud more frequently.
    Shared Concealment1
    • Dusk Shroud To Allies
    The smoke cloud now also grants Dusk Shroud to allies for 2 seconds while inside the smoke cloud.
    Impending Gloom4
    • Area +10% per point
    • Growth Speed +10% per point
    The smoke cloud has a larger area and grows faster.
    Hidden Blows4
    • Puncture Bleed Chance +50% per point
    • Shurikens Bleed Chance +50% per point
    Puncture and Shurikens have a chance cause enemies to bleed if used inside the smoke cloud.
    Smokescreen Arrow1
    • Targeted Bomb
    While using a bow you now shoot an arrow that detonates the Smoke Bomb at the target location.
    Toxic Cloud1
    • Armor Shred -> Poison Res Shred
    Armor shred applied by Smoke Bomb is converted to poison resistance shred.
    Knives in the Dark2
    • Shadow Dagger Chance On Slow 35% per point
    Smoke Bomb has a chance to inflict a stack of Shadow Dagger whenever it applies slow.
    Umbral Assault4
    • Shadow Chance +25% per point
    The smoke cloud has a chance to create a Shadow each second at a random location inside the smoke cloud.
    Concealed in Carnage1
    • Bleed Chance per Crimson Shroud +50%
    • Damage Over Time Taken per Crimson Shroud -5%
    • Max Crimson Shrouds 3
    • Crimson Shroud Duration (seconds) 4
    You are granted a stack of Crimson Shroud on kill while inside the smoke cloud, granting you bleed chance and less damage over time taken for 4 seconds. This stacks up to 3 times.
    Escape Tactics1
    • Backflip Away
    • Immune during Movement
    You backflip away from target direction when you use Smoke Bomb. Smoke Bomb now counts as movement skill. During Smoke Bomb's movement you are immune to Damage.
    Cleansing Steam1
    • Cleanses Ailments
    The initial burst cleanses negative ailments on you.
    Engulfed in Flames5
    • Ignite Stacks +1 per point
    The smoke cloud catches fire at the end of its duration, igniting enemies inside the cloud.
    Cleaving Shadows1
    • Shadow Cascade On End
    You use Shadow Cascade when the smoke cloud ends.
    Trapped Shadows1
    • Decoys Explode
    Your Decoys inside the smoke cloud automatically explode when the smoke cloud ends.
    Moonlight Bomb3
    • Silver Shroud Stacks +1 per point
    • Dodge Next Attack
    • Ward Gain On Dodge +100
    The initial burst grants you a stack of Silver Shroud, causing you to dodge the next hit and gain ward per stack.
    Invigorating Darkness3
    • Health Gain 100 per point
    The initial burst consumes all Shadows inside the smoke to grant you and allies health per Shadow consumed this way.
    Cloaked Incursion1
    • Leap to Target Location
    • Counts as Traversal Skill
    • Cooldown Duration -50%
    You leap to the target location when you use Smoke Bomb, instead of backflipping away. Smoke Bomb now has a much shorter cooldown, but counts as a Traversal skill.
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