Home>Mage>Static Orb
Static OrbStatic Orb
ClassSorcerer level 5 skill
DescriptionCasts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pulls enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the target location it explodes, dealing lightning damage to enemies surrounding it and also striking up to 5 enemies further out. The further it travels the higher the damage and area of effect of the explosion, up to 100%.
Mana cost38
1.306 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.8s
Use Delay: 0.3s
Speed Multiplier: 0.95
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsLightningSpellAreaIntelligence
Per Point of Intelligence:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameStatic Orb
Base Damage20 Lightning
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
NameLightning Explosion
Base Damage40 Lightning
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
Static Orb0
    Casts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pulls enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the target location it explodes, dealing lightning damage to enemies surrounding it and also striking up to 5 enemies further out. The further it travels the higher the damage and area of effect of the explosion, up to 100%.
    Shocking Conduit5
    • Shock Chance +30% per point
    Static Orb hits has a chance to shock enemies.
    • Damage Per 20 Max Mana +1% per point
    • Maximum Mana -> Mana Cost +4% per point
    Static Orb deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 20 maximum mana, but Static Orb costs more mana equal to a portion of your maximum mana.
    Static Ground1
    • Charged Ground On Explosion
    • Remaining Charged Ground Duration -50%
    The explosion now leaves behind Charged Ground dealing lightning damage over time in an area. Creating another Charged Ground halves the remaining duration of all existing ones.
    Electrocuting Cascade5
    • Damage Per 10% Crit Multiplier +3% per point
    Charged Ground deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per additonal critical strike multiplier.
    Charged Allies5
    • Shock Chance Inside Area +20% per point
    • Shock Effect Inside Area +20% per point
    You and allies have additonal shock chance and increased shock effectiveness while inside Charged Ground's area.
    Insidious Focus1
    • Mana Cost -6
    • No Pull
    Static Orb costs less mana, but it no longer pulls enemies.
    Ball Lightning1
    • Mana Cost -26
    • Chance To Not Explode 90%
    • Small Orb Chance with Scatter Blast 20%
    • Orbit Duration with Orbital Fulmination -35%
    Static Orb costs significantly less mana, but it now has a chance to not explode. If you Scatter Blast then you only have a chance to create small orbs, and if you have Orbital Fulmination all static orbs orbit you for a reduced duration.
    Recurring Orb1
    • Returns To You
    • Mana Cost +8
    If Static Orb does not explode it returns to you and deals damage on the way back, but it costs more mana. This node has no effect if you have Orbital Fulmination.
    Biting Force1
    • Lightning -> Cold Damage
    • Static Orb Freeze Rate 40
    • Explosion Freeze Rate 80
    • Shock -> Frostbite Chance
    Static Orb's base lightning damage is converted to cold and it gains a base freeze rate, but it no longer pulls enemies. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not increases to lightning damage. Shock chance from all sources is converted to Frostbite and effects related to shock now depend on Frostbite instead.
    Wintry Power5
    • Orb Freeze Rate Multiplier +10% per point
    • Explosion Freeze Rate Multiplier +20% per point
    The orb and the explosion have a higher chance to freeze enemies.
    Glacial Orb1
    • Orb Freeze Rate Multiplier +60%
    • Explosion Freeze Rate Multiplier +150%
    • No Tendrils
    The orb and the explosion have a higher chance to freeze enemies, but the explosion no longer creates Tendrils.
    Orbital Fulmination5
    • Maximum Orbiting Orbs 1 per point
    • Damage And Area Time Scaling
    The orb now orbits you for up to 3 seconds before exploding, but you are limited to a few orbs and casting more will detonate older ones. Static Orb gains damage and explosion area with time rather than travel distance, but scales up to the same maximum as before.
    Storm Conductor5
    • Spell Damage To Shocked Enemies +12% per point
    Static Orb deals more spell damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to shocked enemies.
    Arcane Current4
    • Static Charges On Hit 2 per point
    Static Orb generates Static Charges on hit.
    Overwhelming Barrage5
    • Explosion Increased Stun Chance 20% per point
    • Explosion Increased Stun Duration 20% per point
    • Ward Gain On Stun +8 per point
    The explosion has a higher chance to stun, increased stun duration and you gain ward on stun with the explosion.
    Critical Trajectory4
    • Critical Multiplier +25% per point
    Static Orb's critical strikes deal more damage.
    Forking Surge3
    • Explosion Tendrils +2 per point
    The explosion creates additional Tendrils to hit enemies outside the explosion area.
    Static Armor4
    • Lightning Aegis Duration (seconds) 2 per point
    Static Orb grants you Lightning Aegis for a short duration on cast, which grants 50% increased lightning damage and 25% less damage taken. Lightning Aegis causes an explosion of lightning damage when you lose 25% of your health or after 10 seconds.
    Storm Burst1
    • Damage +30%
    • Area +30%
    • Explodes After 4 Meters
    Static Orb deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area, but automatically explodes after 4 meters.
    Volatile Outburst3
    • Damage Ramp +30% per point
    • Projectile Speed -10% per point
    The explosion's damage ramps up more with distance, but it travels slower.
    Storm Artillery1
    • Damage +8%
    • Projectile Speed +25%
    • Arcing Trajectory
    • No Pull
    Static Orb deals more damage and now travel faster and in an arcing trajectory rather than a straight line, but it no longer pulls or hits enemies until it explodes.
    • Next Number Of Lightning Blasts 1 per point
    • Additional Chains 2
    After using Static Orb the next Lightning Blasts cast from any source chain 2 additonal times.
    Atomic Manipulation3
    • Refund Trigger Amount 1 per point
    For 4 seconds after using Static Orb directly casting Lightning Blast and hitting at least one enemy will return 25% of Static Orb's mana cost. This effect can only occur a limited number of times.
    Open Circuit4
    • Projectile Speed +10% per point
    • Damage +5% per point
    Static Orb travels faster and deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Overcharged Detonation1
    • Explodes On Hit
    • Orb Hit Damage Per 1 Mana Cost +2%
    • No Pierce
    Static Orb explodes on hit rather than piercing enemies. The orb deals more hit damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 1 mana cost.
    Auxiliary Capacity1
    • Chance To Double Cast 25%
    • Cooldown (seconds) 5
    You have a chance to cast an additional Static Orb towards the target when it hits a rare enemy or boss. This effect has a short cooldown.
    Scatter Blast4
    • Smaller Orbs 1 per point
    • Small Orbs Cannot Pull
    • Small Orbs Cannot Explode
    Casting Static Orb sends out smaller orbs in a cone in front of you. These small orbs can hit the same target as the large orb, but cannot explode and do not pull.
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