Home>Primalist>Summon Storm Crows
Summon Storm CrowsSummon Storm Crows
ClassPrimalist level 15 skill
DescriptionSummons Storm Crows up to your companion limit. The Storm Crow casts spells from a distance. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.

The Storm Crow counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana cost36
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.43s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsMinionCompanionAttunementStrength
Minion TagsLightningSpell
Per Point of Attunement:
  • +10 Minion Health
  • +4% increased Minion Damage
Per Point of Strength:
  • +10 Minion Health
  • +4% increased Minion Damage
Per Level:
  • +10 Minion Health
Combo Skill
  • Crowstorm
NameSummon Storm Crows
Skill Tree Nodes
Summon Storm Crows0
    Summons Storm Crows up to your companion limit. The Storm Crow casts spells from a distance. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it. The Storm Crow counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
    • Cast Speed +10% per point
    • Movespeed +10% per point
    • Health +10% per point
    Storm Crows have increased cast speed, movement speed and more health (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Shredding Beaks5
    • Armor Shred Chance +20% per point
    Storm Crows hits have a chance to shred enemy armor.
    Murder of Crows5
    • Damage Per Crow +4% per point
    Storm Crows deal more damage per active crow (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Feathered Storm1
    • Armor Shred Chance Per Strength +4%
    • Armor Shred Effect Per Strength +4%
    Storm Crows hits have a chance to shred enemy armor per point of strength, and armor shred they apply has increased effectiveness per point of strength.
    • Damage +15% per point
    Your melee hits have a 20% chance to grant active Storm Crows more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) for 10 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
    Shocking Display5
    • Shock Chance +15% per point
    • Lightning Resistance +15% per point
    Storm Crows have a chance to shock enemies and have additional lightning resistance.
    Thundering Strike3
    • Crowstorm Damage +40% per point
    • Crowstorm Increased Stun Chance 40% per point
    Crowstorm deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has an increased chance to stun enemies.
    Expansive Pulse5
    • Crowstorm Area +30% per point
    • Crowstorm Shock Chance +100% per point
    Crowstorm deals damage in a larger area and has a chance to shock enemies it hits.
    Frigid Wings1
    • Lightning -> Cold Damage
    • Shock -> Frostbite Chance
    • Freeze Rate 60
    Storm Crows' base lightning damage is converted to cold. Consequently this damage scales with increases to cold damage, but not increases to lightning damage. It also has a chance to freeze enemies. Shock chance from all sources is converted to Frostbite chance and effects related to shock now depend on Frostbite instead.
    Arctic Breath5
    • Freeze Rate Multiplier +70% per point
    Storm Crows have a higher chance to freeze enemies.
    Storm Breath3
    • Damage Per Shock Stack +2% per point
    • Maximum Damage 30% per point
    Storm Crows deal more spell damage per stack of shock on the target (multiplicative with other modifiers), up to a maximum.
    Fulminating Caw5
    • Lightning Damage Effectiveness 30% per point
    Your increases to lightning damage also apply to your Storm Crows, but at reduced effectiveness.
    • Chain Lightning Chance 5% per point
    Storm Crows' basic lightning spell has a chance to chain to up to 2 additional targets.
    • Damage +5% per point
    • Increased Crit Chance 10% per point
    Storm Crows deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and have increased critical strike chance.
    • Critical Multiplier 10% per point
    Storm Crows' critical strikes deal more damage.
    Observe and Learn5
    • Base Crit Chance +4% per point
    Your melee hits have a 20% chance to improve active Storm Crows' base critical strike chance for 10 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
    Charged Feathers5
    • Basic Spell Damage +10% per point
    • Maximum Duration (seconds) 5
    Storm Crows' basic lightning spell deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) for each second they spent moving since their previous attack, up to a maximum duration.
    Winged Raptor1
    • Damage +30%
    • Health +30%
    • Size +30%
    • Limited To 1 Crow
    You can now only have 1 Storm Crow, it deals more damage, has more health (both multiplicative with other modifiers) and is larger.
    Power Claw3
    • Basic Spell Damage +40% per point
    • Mana Consumed 2 per point
    Storm Crows' basic lightning spell deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but now consumes your mana.
    Aspect of the Crow3
    • Aspect of the Crow Chance 10% per point
    • Melee Lightning Damage Per Stack +3
    • Spell Lightning Damage Per Stack +3
    Storm Crow hits have a chance to grant you a stack of Aspect of the Crow for 8 seconds, granting you additional melee and spell lightning damage per stack.
    • Aspect of the Crow On Other Companions
    • Buff Duration -50%
    Your non-crow companions gain Aspect of the Crow when you do, but it has 50% reduced duration on them.
    • Healing Amount 75 per point
    • Cooldown (seconds) 10
    Storm Crows fly to your companions below half health to heal them. This effect has a 10 second cooldown. The amount of healing is increased by healing effectiveness.
    • Ward Gain 75 per point
    Goodberries now also grants the companion ward. The amount of ward gained is increased by healing effectiveness.
    • Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed 40% per point
    Storm Crows are able to use Goodberries more frequently.
    Winds of Restoration1
    • Storm Crows Can Heal You
    Storm Crows can now also fly to and heal you with Goodberries.
    Wisdom of the Storm1
    • Wisdom of the Storm On Allies
    Every 10 seconds Storm Crows cast Wisdom of the Storm on its nearest ally, granting it Aspect of the Crow. This effect has 50% reduced duration on minions.
    • Intelligence Per Crow +2 per point
    You are granted additional Intelligence per active Storm Crow.
    • No Cooldown
    • Wisdom of the Storm On Totems
    Wisdom of the Storm no longer has a cooldown, but can now only target totems.
    • Added Dodge Rating +80 per point
    • Increased Dodge Rating +40% per point
    Storm Crows have additional dodge chance and increased dodge chance.
    Thunderous Blast2
    • Crowstorm Damage Per Crow +15% per point
    • Crowstorm Cooldown Length -6% per point
    Crowstorm deals more damage per contributing Crow (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has a shorter cooldown.
    Sky Passage1
    • Teleport with Crowstorm
    • Counts as Traversal Skill
    When you directly cast Crowstorm you and your crows are teleported to the target location if it is accessible. Crowstorm now counts as a Traversal skill.
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