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Class | Primalist level 10 skill | ||||||||||||
Description | A melee combo attack that cycles through a cold strike, a physical strike, and a lightning strike that trigger elemental {Tempest} spells of the same damage type if the strikes hit at least one enemy. Cold strike: Triggers a {Frigid Tempest}, which is a cold projectile that pierces through enemies. Physical strike: Triggers a {Wind Tempest}, which is a small twister that lasts a short duration dealing physical damage per over time. Lightning strike: Triggers a {Thunder Tempest}, which is an expanding storm of lightning bolts. | ||||||||||||
Cooldown | 0s | ||||||||||||
Mana cost | 16 | ||||||||||||
Speed | 1.833 per second (if no cooldown) Use Duration: 0.6s Use Delay: 0.15s Speed Multiplier: 1 Settle Low Priority Ratio: 40% Scales With: Attack Speed | ||||||||||||
Scaling Tags | PhysicalLightningColdMeleeSpellStrengthAttunement | ||||||||||||
Scaling | Per Point of Strength:
Per Point of Attunement:
| ||||||||||||
Combo Skill |
| ||||||||||||
Chance on Hit | ![]() Woven Ice (Chance: 100%) | ||||||||||||
Damage |
Name | Max Points | Stats | Related Skill | Description | |
Tempest Strike | 0 | A melee combo attack that cycles through a cold strike, a physical strike, and a lightning strike that trigger elemental Tempest spells of the same damage type if the strikes hit at least one enemy. Cold strike: Triggers a Frigid Tempest, which is a cold projectile that pierces through enemies. Physical strike: Triggers a Wind Tempest, which is a small twister that lasts a short duration dealing physical damage per over time. Lightning strike: Triggers a Thunder Tempest, which is an expanding storm of lightning bolts. | |||
Gladiator of Lagon | 4 |
| The melee hits grant you a stack of Gladiator of Lagon for 8 seconds which grants you and your minions additional spell damage. This effect can trigger a maximum of 3 times per second. | ||
Lagonian Shamanism | 1 |
| You now have a chance to gain a stack of Gladiator of Lagon when you cast a Tempest. | ||
Tempestuous Legend | 4 |
| Frigid Tempest has a higher chance to freeze enemies. Thunder Tempest has a chance to shock enemies. Wind Tempest deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). | ||
Blizzard's Wrath | 4 |
| You have a chance to also cast Frigid Tempest when you attack with lightning or physical Tempest Strike. | ||
Thunderous Storm | 4 |
| You have a chance to also cast Thunder Tempest when you attack with cold or physical Tempest Strike. | ||
Grand Cyclone | 4 |
| You have a chance to also cast Wind Tempest when you attack with lightning or cold Tempest Strike. | ||
Nature's Storm | 1 |
| If Tempest Strike's melee attack does not hit an enemy you consume a stack of Gladiator of Lagon to cast a Tempest of the respective type. | ||
Scheme of the Architect | 1 |
| Gladiator of Lagon has double the effect on your totems and Storm Crows if you have at least 50 Intelligence. | ||
Stormriding Companions | 1 |
| Tempest Strike penetrates enemy physical resistance per active physical minion, penetrates cold resistance per cold minion and penetrates lightning resistance per lightning minion. | ||
Bulwark of Nature | 3 |
| Whenever you cast a Tempest you also regain a portion of your Endurance Threshold as health. | ||
Druid's Call | 5 |
| While transformed and you use any melee attack and hit at least one enemy you have a chance to cast each Tempest of a matching damage type. This consumes mana equal to a portion of Tempest Strike's mana cost. | ||
Attuned Slam | 4 |
| Tempest Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 1 mana cost, but it also costs additional mana. | ||
Looming Gale | 1 |
| ![]() | You now create a Tempest Totem that casts a Tempest of the corresponding strike that created the totem. You are limited to 1 of each type of totem. | |
Rousing Symbols | 2 |
| Your Tempest Totems gain a random amount of more cast speed (multiplicative with other modifiers) when summoned. | ||
Sky Opener | 1 |
| You now expend Storm Stacks when you use Tempest Strike and hit at least one enemy with the melee attack. Storm Bolts cast this way deal more damage. | ||
Windfury Force | 4 |
| Tempest Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area. | ||
Heorot's Arsenal | 4 |
| Tempest Strike deals additional melee damage per equipped axe or mace and additional spell damage while wielding a 2 handed weapon. | ||
Firm Grip | 3 |
| Tempest Strike deals more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area. These effects are doubled while wielding a 2 handed weapon. | ||
Calm Seas | 1 |
| Tempest Strike can no longer cast Wind Tempest, but it does not remove the physical strike from the combo. Additioanlly, Tempest Strike has increased attack speed and costs less mana. | ||
Crashing Waves | 1 |
| Tempest Strike deals additional melee damage per 2 Attunement. All the melee strikes have a higher chance to freeze enemies. | ||
Grounded Refuge | 1 |
| Tempest Strike can no longer cast Thunder Tempest, but it does not remove the lightning strike from the combo. Additioanlly, Tempest Strike has increased attack speed and costs less mana. | ||
Resurgence of the Land | 1 |
| You recover mana if whenever you use Tempest Strike and it hits an enemy and it doesn't cast a Tempest. | ||
Warm Shelter | 1 |
| Tempest Strike can no longer cast Frigid Tempest, but it does not remove the cold strike from the combo. Additioanlly, Tempest Strike has increased attack speed and costs less mana. | ||
Ancestral Swiftness | 4 |
| Tempest Strike has increased attack speed and costs less mana. | ||
Soaring Blows | 1 |
| Tempest Strike penetrates enemy resistances per your uncapped resistances corresponding to a specific type. | ||
Wind Booster | 3 |
| Whenever you cast Wind Tempest you and your other allies it touches gain Haste for a short duration. Additionally, Tempest Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) while you have Haste. | ||
Ceaseless Tyhoon | 1 |
| Whenever you cast Wind Tempest you have a chance to also cast Tornado. This consumes mana equal to a portion of Tornados mana cost. | ||
Devastating Whirlwind | 3 |
| Tornados cast from Wind Tempest deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area. | ||
Coldest Night | 3 |
| Frigid Tempest chills on enemies it hits. Additionally, Tempest Strike has a higher chance to freeze enemies. | ||
Wrath of the Mountain | 1 |
| While channeling Avalanche you now also cast Frigid Tempest every second. | ||
Fulminating Strikes | 3 |
| Thunder Tempest shocks enemies it hits. Additionally, Tempest Strike deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to shocked enemies. | ||
Cloudburst Conduit | 1 |
| Whenever you cast Thunder Tempest you also cast it around your nearest Storm Totem. |