ClassSentinel level 1 skill
DescriptionA melee attack that also prepares you to riposte incoming hits.

If vengeance successfully hits an enemy and you take a hit in the next 2 seconds you will riposte, taking 25% less damage and striking at a nearby enemy.
Mana cost0
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.2s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 32%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalMeleeAreaStrength
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
Chance on Hit
(Chance: 100%)
Base Damage2 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Skill Tree Nodes
    A melee attack that also prepares you to riposte incoming hits. If vengeance successfully hits an enemy and you take a hit in the next 2 seconds you will riposte, taking 25% less damage and striking at a nearby enemy.
    Dark Duellist5
    • Global More Damage +4% per point
    You deal more global damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) while preparing to riposte.
    Rapid Strikes5
    • Attack Speed +5% per point
    Vengeance has increased attack speed.
    Vengeful Fighter5
    • Damage Under 50% Health +15% per point
    Vengeance deals more damage if you are below half health (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Combo Riposte2
    • Iron Blade Chance On Riposte 15% per point
    When you hit an enemy with Riposte you have a chance to also attack with Iron Blade.
    Vital Puncture3
    • Double Damage Chance 15% per point
    Iron Blade has a chance to deal double damage.
    Shattering Blade2
    • Iron Blade Armor Shred Chance +50% per point
    Iron Blade has a chance to reduce enemy armor.
    Winged Steel4
    • Iron Blade Speed and Range +15% per point
    Iron Blade travels faster, causing it to also travel further.
    Forge Chains2
    • Iron Blade Additional Ricochets 1 per point
    • Projectile Speed -25% per point
    Iron Blade ricochets to additional enemies, but travels more slowly.
    Vengeful Slayer2
    • Iron Blade Chance On Vengeance Kill 10% per point
    You have a chance to attack with Iron Blade when you kill an enemy with Vengeance.
    • Hit Damage Against Damaged Enemies +12% per point
    Vengeance hits deal more damage against enemies that are already damaged (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Faint Strike3
    • Damage +15% per point
    • Stun Chance -15% per point
    Vengeance deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but has a lower chance to stun enemies.
    • Less Damage Taken 5% per point
    • Increased Armor 10% per point
    You take less damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and have increased armor if you've hit an enemy with Vengeance in the past 2 seconds.
    Essence of Revenge2
    • Void Essence Chance On Riposte Hit 15% per point
    Riposte has a chance to grant a Void Essence on hit. Void Essences last 7 seconds and grant 15% increased void damage, 15% increased melee damage, and 10% reduced stun duration. You can have a maximum of 3 Void Essences at once.
    Essence of Vindication2
    • Void Essence Chance On Vengeance Kill 15% per point
    Kills with Vengeance have a chance to grant you a Void Essence.
    Smelter's Vengeance4
    • Armor Shred Chance +25% per point
    • Fire Resistance Shred Chance +25% per point
    Vengeance has a chance to shred enemy armor and fire resistance.
    Molten Riposte1
    • Fire Resistance Shred Applies To Riposte
    • Armor Shred Applies To Riposte
    The armor and fire resistance shred chance from the Smelter's Vengeance node also apply on Riposte hits.
    Eviscerating Blades4
    • Increased Armor Shred Effect 25% per point
    Increases the effectiveness of all armor shred applied by Vengeance and Riposte.
    Blade Paladin1
    • Damage Above 50% Health
    The damage increase from the Vengeful Fighter node applies when above half health, instead of when below half health.
    Cooling Anvil1
    • Fire Shred -> Physical Shred
    Fire resistance shred granted by this tree is converted to physical resistance shred.
    Double Riposte1
    • Additional Riposte +1
    • Riposte Damage Reduction 25% -> 18%
    You can Riposte an additional time after Vengeance hits an enemy, but Riposte mitigates less damage.
    Zealot's Technique1
    • Additional Riposte +1
    You can Riposte an additional time after Vengeance hits an enemy.
    Blade Assault4
    • Iron Blade Chance 5% per point
    When you hit an enemy with Vengeance you have a chance to attack with Iron Blade.
    • Iron Blade Ricochets
    • Hit Damage -15%
    • Cannot Pierce
    Iron Blade ricochets to another enemy on hit, but Iron Blade deals less hit damage and no longer pierces (travels through enemies it hits).
    • Iron Blade Chance On Riposte Kill 25% per point
    You have a chance to attack with Iron Blade when you kill an enemy with Riposte.
    • Iron Blade Chance On Riposte 10% per point
    You have a chance to also retaliate with Iron Blade when you Riposte.
    Perfect Riposte1
    • Riposted Hits Cannot Crit
    Hits that you Riposte cannot critically strike you.
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