Home>Sentinel>Volatile Reversal
Volatile ReversalVolatile Reversal
ClassVoid Knight level 5 skill
DescriptionReturns you to the position you were at 2 seconds ago, reverting changes to your current health and mana since then.
Mana cost0
4.4 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.35s
Speed Multiplier: 3
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsVoidSpellInstant CastMovementArea
Skill Tree Nodes
Volatile Reversal0
    Returns you to the position you were at 2 seconds ago, reverting changes to your current health and mana since then.
    • Void Rift Damage +22% per point
    Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Time Rifts3
    • Enemy Damage Over Time Taken +20% per point
    Enemies hit by Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts take increased damage over time for 4 seconds.
    Shifting Power4
    • Void Rift Increased Stun Chance 40% per point
    • Global Void Damage vs Stunned 10% per point
    Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts have an increased chance to stun enemies. After casting Volatile Reversal you gain a buff that causes you to deal more void damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) to stunned enemies. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you travelled back.
    Dark Expanse5
    • Void Rift Area +40% per point
    Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts deal damage in a larger area.
    Harbinger of Dust3
    • Enemy Damage Taken +10% per point
    Enemies hit by Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts take increased damage for 4 seconds.
    Food for Wyrms4
    • Void Rift Time Rot Chance +25% per point
    • Global Void Damage per Time Rot +1% per point
    Volatile Reversal's Void Rift hits have a chance to inflict Time Rot on enemies. After casting Volatile Reversal you gain a buff that causes you to deal more void damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per stack of Time Rot on the target. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you travelled back.
    Time Sap3
    • Chance to Recover Cooldown on Kill 12% per point
    • Chance to Recover Cooldown on Boss Hit 4% per point
    • Remaing Cooldown Recovered 10%
    You have a chance to recover a percentage of Volatile Reversal's remaining cooldown when you kill an enemy and when you hit a boss or rare enemy.
    Catching Up3
    • Movespeed +12% per point
    You gain movement speed after casting Volatile Reversal. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you travelled back.
    Warped Time3
    • Global Attack Speed +10% per point
    • Global Cast Speed +10% per point
    You gain increased attack and cast speed after casting Volatile Reversal. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you travelled back.
    Volatile Travel3
    • Percent Of Missing Health Recovered 20% per point
    • Percent Of Current Health Lost 20% per point
    When you cast Volatile Reversal, you have an 80% chance to regain some of your missing health, but a 20% chance to lose some of your current health.
    Traveller's Fatigue2
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +25% per point
    • Health Regen (While On Cooldown) -10% per point
    Volatile Reversal has a shorter cooldown, but you have reduced health regeneration while Volatile Reversal is on cooldown.
    Ancient Reversal2
    • Additional Reversal Time +1 per point
    Volatile Reversal allows you to travel back further in time.
    Traveller's Frailty3
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +30% per point
    • Damage Taken (While On Cooldown) +10% per point
    Volatile Reversal has a shorter cooldown, but you take increased damage while Volatile Reversal is on cooldown.
    Phased Reality3
    • Dodge Rating (While On Cooldown) 120 per point
    You gain dodge rating while Volatile Reversal is on cooldown.
    Incipient Void Rift1
    • Void Rift At Start
    When you cast Volatile Reversal you leave behind a Void Rift, a spell which deals void damage in an area.
    Terminal Void Rift1
    • Void Rift On Arrival
    When you cast Volatile Reversal you create a Void Rift where you arrive.
    Timelost Vitality1
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +60%
    • No Longer Restores Health
    Volatile Reversal has a significantly shorter cooldown, but no longer restores health.
    Timelost Wisdom1
    • Cooldown Recovery Speed +300%
    • No Longer Restores Mana
    Volatile Reversal has a significantly shorter cooldown, but no longer restores mana.
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