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Class | Warlock level 30 skill | ||||||||||||
Description | Feasts on the souls of {Cursed} enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 3 ward when they reach you. Feasts on up to 13 enemies, prioritising those closest to you. | ||||||||||||
Cooldown | 0s | ||||||||||||
Mana cost | 17 | ||||||||||||
Range | 20 | ||||||||||||
Speed | 1.467 per second (if no cooldown) Use Duration: 0.75s Use Delay: 0.2s Speed Multiplier: 1 Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50% Scales With: Cast Speed | ||||||||||||
Scaling Tags | NecroticSpellIntelligence | ||||||||||||
Scaling | Per Point of Intelligence:
| ||||||||||||
Damage |
Name | Max Points | Stats | Related Skill | Description | |
Soul Feast | 0 | Feasts on the souls of Cursed enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 3 ward when they reach you. Feasts on up to 13 enemies, prioritising those closest to you. | |||
Hunger | 4 |
| Soul Feast has increased cast speed and costs less mana. | ||
Winds of Affliction | 5 |
| Soul Feast deals damage in a larger area and has a chance to apply Frailty on hit. | ||
Grim Affliction | 1 |
| Soul Feast deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but Soul Fragments grant less ward. | ||
Sharpened Influence | 3 |
| Soul Feast costs less mana and can hit more targets. | ||
Poisoned Husks | 4 |
| Soul Feast's hits have a chance to poison enemies on hit. | ||
Diseased Soul | 3 |
| Casting Soul Feast grant you a chance to poison enemies with all hits for 4 seconds, but also inflicts you with poison. This buff cannot stack. | ||
Soul Seeker | 3 |
| Soul Fragments grant additional ward based on your intelligence. | ||
Incision | 5 |
| Soul Feast has a chance to cause enemies to bleed. Physical ailments inflicted by Soul Feast deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) based on your missing health. | ||
No Rest for the Wicked | 2 |
| When you kill a damned enemy with Soul Feast, you have a chance to grant your minions Frenzy for 3 seconds. | ||
Wrest | 4 |
| Soul Fragments from bosses or rare enemies grant significantly more ward. | ||
Usurp | 1 |
| Soul Fragments from rare or boss enemies also grant you mana. Modifiers to the amount of ward granted by Soul Fragments also apply to the amount of mana gained from this node. | ||
Celerity | 4 |
| Soul Fragments return to you faster and Soul Feast has a chance to grant you Haste for 4 seconds. | ||
Waning Life | 4 |
| Damned inflicted by Soul Feast has additional necrotic penetration. | ||
Crimson Bounty | 3 |
| Soul Feast can hit more targets. | ||
Thought Corrosion | 1 |
| Poison Chance from all sources is converted to armor shred for Soul Feast and armor shred applied by Soul Feast has increased effect. The Diseased Soul node now inflicts you with armor shred on cast instead of poison. | ||
Grand Imprint | 1 |
| Soul Feast no longer requires targets to be Cursed and no longer has a target limit, but now hits all enemies a small cone in front of you. | ||
Blood Feast | 1 |
| Soul Feast's base necrotic damage is converted to physical damage. Consequently this damage scales with increases to physical damage, but not increases to necrotic damage. Soul Fragments now restore health instead of granting ward. The health restored is equal to the ward you would have been granted. | ||
Blood Tethers | 3 |
| Soul Feast has a chance to cast Blood Tether on enemies it hits. | ||
Blood from Souls | 2 |
| When you kill an enemy with Soul Feast it has a chance to create a Blood Splatter around the target. | ||
Hellmind | 3 |
| Soul Feast has additional chance to inflict damned on hit based on your Intelligence. | ||
Toxic Craving | 1 |
| Soul Feast consumes poison stacks you applied on the target, granting you more armor (multiplicative with other modifiers) and additional poison resistance per stack. This buff lasts 6 seconds and can stack a maximum number of times. Poison stacks applied by minions or other party members are not cleansed and are not counted for the buff. | ||
Engorged | 3 |
| Soul Feast costs less mana and has a chance based on your current mana to draw back Greater Soul Fragments, which grant more ward (multiplicative with other modifiers). | ||
Original Sin | 5 |
| If the number of cursed enemies within 15 meters is at or below a threshold shortly after you cast Soul Feast, then a number of enemies within that range are Marked for Death to reach that threshold of cursed enemies. | ||
Bones of the Accursed | 5 |
| For each Curse on the target, Soul Feast hits grant more ward and deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). | ||
Queen of Flies | 3 |
| When you hit a poisoned enemy with Soul Feast it spreads all stacks of your stacks of poison from that enemy to a number of other enemies within 5 metres. Has no effect if you have the Toxic Craving node. | ||
Withering Maw | 3 |
| Soul Feast inflicts Withering on hit, an ailment which increases the curse damage taken. | ||
Another Strife | 3 |
| When Soul Feast hits an enemy Cursed with Spirit Plague, Decrepify, Marked for Death, or Penance it spreads those Cursed from that enemy to a number of other enemies within 5 metres. | ||
Infernal Hunger | 3 |
| If you go 2 seconds without directly casting Soul Feast you gain a stack of Infernal Hunger. When you next cast Soul Feast directly, all stacks of Infernal Hunger are consumed to cast Soul Feast an additional time per stack. |