ClassSentinel level 2 skill
DescriptionSpin towards the mouse while you hold down the ability key, striking nearby enemies as you move.
Mana cost1
1.467 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.1s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 0%
Scales With: Attack Speed
Scaling TagsPhysicalMeleeChanneledMovementAreaStrength
Per Point of Strength:
  • +4% increased Damage
NameWarpath Hit
Base Damage1 Physical
Critical Chance5%
Critical Multiplier200%
Added Damage Scaling
Is Hit
Delayed Cast
Interval: 0.34s
20% less Movement Speed
Skill Tree Nodes
    Spin towards the mouse while you hold down the ability key, striking nearby enemies as you move.
    Void Spiral5
    • Melee Void Damage +5 per point
    • Doubled With 2h
    Warpath deals additional melee void damage. This effect is doubled while wielding a 2 handed weapon.
    Apocalypse Whirl1
    • Base Physical Damage -> Void
    • Time Rot Chance +30%
    • Bleed And Ignite -> Time Rot Chance
    Warpath's base physical damage is converted to void. Consequently this damage scales with increases to void damage, but not increases to physical damage. Warpath has a chance to inflict Time Rot. Bleed and ignite chance from all sources are converted to Time Rot chance for Warpath. Swaps Warpath's Physical tag for a Void tag.
    Maw of the Deep3
    • Hit Damage Per Time Rot +5% per point
    Warpath hits deal more damage against enemies per stack of Time Rot on them (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Iron Reach3
    • Area +15% per point
    Warpath deals damage in a larger area.
    Quicksilver Wind3
    • Movespeed +10% per point
    While spinning, you have increased movement speed.
    Whirling Steel5
    • Damage +8% per point
    • Doubled With 2h Weapon
    • Doubled while Dual Wielding
    Warpath deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This effect is doubled while using a two handed weapon or dual wielding.
    • Channel Cost -2 per point
    Warpath costs less mana per second.
    Molten Path5
    • Armor Shred Chance +10% per point
    • Melee Fire Damage +2 per point
    • Melee Physical Damage +2 per point
    Warpath hits shred enemy armor.
    Reckless Spin1
    • Channel Cost -6
    • Elemental Resistance -30%
    Warpath costs significantly less mana per second, but you have reduced elemental resistance while spinning.
    Juggernaut Stance5
    • Block Chance +4% per point
    • Block Effectiveness +100 per point
    While spinning, you have additional block chance and block effectiveness.
    Cyclone of War5
    • Global Melee Health Leech With Axe +2% per point
    • Global Base Critical Chance With Sword +2% per point
    • Physical Penetration With Mace +10% per point
    • Fire Penetration With Sceptre +15% per point
    While spinning, you have additional melee leech while wielding an axe, additional base crit chance while wielding a sword, additional physical penetration while wielding a mace and additional fire penetration while wielding a sceptre.
    Battlemaster's Blade2
    • Area With 2h +20% per point
    Warpath deals damage in a larger area while wielding a two handed weapon.
    Dark Nexus5
    • Mana Per Three Seconds (2h weapon) 7 per point
    While spinning, you gain mana every three seconds while wielding a two handed weapon.
    • Bleed Chance +10% per point
    • Bleed Duration +10% per point
    Warpath hits have a chance to cause enemies to bleed and bleed stacks inflicted by Warpath have increased duration. Both effects will instead apply to ignite or time rot if you have Earthscorcher or Apocalypse Whirl.
    • Base Physical Damage -> Fire
    • Bleed -> Ignite Chance
    Warpath's base physical damage is converted to fire. Consequently this damage scales with increases to fire damage, but not increases to physical damage. Bleed chance from all sources is converted to ignite for Warpath. Swaps Warpath's Physical tag for a Fire tag.
    Path of Fire1
    • Ignite Stacks In Trail Each Second 1
    • Ignite Duration +20%
    While spinning, you leave behind a burning trail that ignites enemies each second. If ignite has been converted to Time Rot with Apoclypse Whirl this trail inflicts Time Rot instead.
    Path of Heavens5
    • Global Spell Damage +10 per point
    While spinning, you have additional spell damage.
    Way of the Cleric5
    • Healing Inside Area 6 per point
    While spinning, you and your allies are healed each second within Warpath's area of effect. The amount of health gained is increased by healing effectiveness.
    Winds of Justice4
    • Smite Chance Each Second 25% per point
    While spinning, you have a chance to cast Smite each second on a nearby enemy. This consumes Smite's mana cost.
    Arsenal of Flame3
    • Melee Fire Damage To Ignited +15% per point
    • Fire Penetration with Ignite +15% per point
    Warpath hits deal more melee fire damage to ignited enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers) and ignite it inflicts has additional Fire Penetration
    Warrior's Fury5
    • Damage Per Second +20% per point
    • Area Per Second +20% per point
    • Mana Cost Per Second +4 per point
    For each second you continuously spin, Warpath deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area, but costs more mana per second.
    Giant Splitter5
    • Warslash After Warpath
    • Slash Damage Per Second Spinning +15% per point
    • Area Per Second Spinning +15% per point
    • Maximum Duration Benefit (seconds) 5
    After spinning for at least 2 seconds you do a Warslash when you stop spinning. This deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) in a larger area for each second you spent spinning, up to a maximum duration.
    Way of the Executioner5
    • Melee Damage To Low Health +20% per point
    Warpath deals more melee damage to enemies on low health (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    Forgemaster Stance1
    • Summon Forged Weapons
    While spinning, you summon Forged Weapons every 5 seconds as if you had hit an enemy with Forge Strike.
    Moving Forge5
    • Summon Frequency +30% per point
    While spinning, you summon Forged Weapons more frequently.
    Echo Knight1
    • Warpath Echoes
    • Global Increased Void Damage 50%
    While spinning, you deal increased void damage and you have a chance each second to create an Echo at a recent location that uses Warpath on the spot for 2 seconds. This chance is equal to twice your chance for skills to echo. You can only create a Warpath echo if you have been spinning for at least 2 seconds and have travelled at least 4 metres in the past 2 seconds.
    Abyssal Tempest1
    • Abyssal Echoes Every 5 Seconds
    While spinning, you cast Abyssal Echoes every 5 seconds. This consumes Abyssal Echoes' mana cost.
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