Home>Caches>Stargazer's Collection
NameStargazer's Collection
DescriptionThe circle of fortune once looked up above the clear skies of the desert
TypeOne-Shot Cache
LocationTitan's Canyon
1.Rare Celestial Compass
2.Rare Turquoise Amulet
3.Rare Silver Grail
4.Rune of Discovery
5.Magic Turquoise Amulet
6.Rare Turquoise Ring
7.Rare Turquoise Ring
8.Rune of Discovery
9.Rune of Discovery
10.Rare Astrology Wand
Unique Small Eterran Idol
Requires: Level 42
  • 8% to 20% More Hit Damage if you have only one Singularity equipped
  • You cannot deal Critical Strikes
"And thus from a singular point of infinite detail did the goddess Eterra weave the fabric of reality" - Book of Elders, Chapter 1.
random drop (uncommon)
Other Sources
Prophecy: Unique Idol
Faction: Circle of Fortune
Page slapped together by Tunk