Home>Uniques>Flames of Midnight
Flames of Midnight
Unique Celestial Ring
Requires: Level 52
  • +(42 to 110) Ward Decay Threshold
  • Evade is replaced by Spirit Step
  • You have Swiftness
  • When you directly use a Fire, Necrotic, or Void skill you create a Wandering Spirit near the target location (4 second cooldown for each skill type).
  • +(4 to 7) Ward gained each second per Active Wandering Spirit
  • 100% of Wandering Spirits Base Damage Converted to Fire
  • +(10 to 17)% Fire, Necrotic, and Void Penetration
Spirit Step
Swap places with a target wandering spirit at the targeted area. If there is no spirit, you will instead reappear a short distance forwards. Effects that trigger when you use Evade also trigger when you use Spirit Step.
Scaling Tags: Movement
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 52
LP1 Chance: 26.7%
LP2 Chance: 3.61%
LP3 Chance: 0.163%
LP4 Chance: 0.000486%
Dropped By:
Harbinger of Ash (Spirits of Fire)
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