Home>Primalist>Summon Bear
Summon BearSummon Bear
ClassBeastmaster level 5 skill
DescriptionSummons a primal bear that follows you into combat. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it.

The bear counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
Mana cost60
0.733 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.43s
Speed Multiplier: 0.5
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: Cast Speed
Scaling TagsMinionCompanionStrength
Minion TagsPhysicalMelee
Per Point of Strength:
  • +18 Minion Health
  • +4% increased Minion Damage
Per Level:
  • +18 Minion Health
Combo Skill
  • Bear Roar
NameSummon Bear
Skill Tree Nodes
Summon Bear0
    Summons a primal bear that follows you into combat. When its health drops to 0 it is downed, and you can stand near it to revive it. The bear counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions at once by default.
    Lacerating Claws5
    • Damage +10% per point
    • Bleed Chance +10% per point
    Your Bear deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has a chance to cause enemies to bleed.
    Barbed Thorns3
    • Briar Thorn Double Damage Chance 20% per point
    Briar Thorns cast by your Bear has a chance to deal double damage.
    Shredding Thorns3
    • Briar Thorns Armour Shred Chance +20% per point
    Briar Thorns cast by your Bear has a chance to reduce enemy armor.
    Rapid Thorns3
    • Increased Cast Speed 8% per point
    Your Bear have increased cast speed.
    Nightshade Bear5
    • Thorns Poison Chance +20% per point
    Briar Thorns and Ice Thorns cast by your Bear have a chance to poison enemies.
    Tearing Thorns4
    • Thorn Burst Bleed Chance +25% per point
    • Thorn Burst Damage +10% per point
    Thorn Burst cast by your Bear deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and has additional chance to bleed on hit and.
    Winged Thorns4
    • Thorn Burst Speed and Range +25% per point
    Thorns from Thorn Burst cast by your Bear travel faster and farther.
    Rapid Swipes3
    • Swipe Cooldown Recovery Speed +40% per point
    Your Bear's Swipe has a shorter cooldown.
    Vicious Strikes4
    • Melee Damage +8% per point
    • Increased Melee Stun Chance 25% per point
    Your Bear deal more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), and its melee attacks have a higher chance to stun enemies.
    Thick Hide5
    • Health +40% per point
    • Damage Taken at Low Health -10% per point
    Your Bear has more health and takes less damage at low health.
    Primal Precision3
    • Crit Chance +4% per point
    Your Bear has additional critical strike chance.
    Unstoppable Force4
    • Critical Multiplier +25% per point
    • Bonus Damage Taken From Crits -25% per point
    Your Bear takes less damage from critical strikes and its own critical strikes deal more damage.
    Armoured Bears5
    • Armour per Strength +10 per point
    Your Bear has additional armor based on your Strength
    Thorn Bear1
    • Bears Cast Briar Thorn
    Your Bear now cast Briar Thorn, a ranged spell that deals physical damage.
    Retaliatory Thorns1
    • Thorn Burst Retaliation
    • Retaliation Threshold 75
    • Retaliation Cooldown (seconds) 1
    Your Bear retaliate with Thorn Burst when they take 75 damage. This effect has a 1 second cooldown.
    Forceful Swipes1
    • Bears use Swipe
    • Swipe Cooldown for Bears (Seconds) 5
    Your Bear can use Swipe with a 5 second cooldown. Your bear's swipes scale with its own stats, but are affected by your Swipe Tree.
    Claw Totems3
    • Chance To Summon Claw Totem On Kill 10% per point
    You have a chance to summon a Claw Totem when your bear kills an enemy.
    Piercing Thorns1
    • Briar Thorns Pierce Enemies
    • Cast Speed -10%
    Briar Thorns cast by your Bear pierces enemies (continue through targets it hits), but your Bear has reduced cast speed.
    Ursine Endurance1
    • Health +24%
    • Briar Thorns Cooldown (seconds) 4
    Your Bear has more health (multiplicative with other modifiers), but Briar Thorns now has a cooldown.
    Wounded Prey1
    • Movespeed +6%
    • Melee Damager per Bleed +1%
    Your Bear has increased movement speed and deals more melee damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per stack of bleed on the target (up to 30).
    Ursine Dominion4
    • Area +25% per point
    Your Bear's melee attacks and roar have increased area of effect.
    Bellowing Roar1
    • Roar Area +30%
    • Healing Effectiveness +50%
    Your Bear's roar has increased area and healing effectiveness
    Endless Rampage1
    • Movespeed +10%
    • Stun Immunity
    Your Bear has increased movement speed and cannot be stunned
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