Bhuldar's Wrath
Unique Titan Femur Range 2.4
Base Attack Rate 0.88
Requires: Level 76
- +96 Melee Damage
- +(16 to 32) Strength
- +(65 to 90) Melee Fire Damage
- +(200% to 400%) Chance to Shred Armour on Hit
- 100% Chance to use Earthquake after using a Non-Channelled Movement Ability every 5 seconds
- Earthquake is Converted To Fire
- 100% of Armour Shred Chance Converted to Ignite Chance for Earthquake
EarthquakeSlam the ground with your weapon damaging enemies in a large area and creating 2 to 4 aftershocks nearby.
Base Damage: 2 Physical
Scaling Tags: Physical, Melee, Area, Strength, Attunement
Shatter! Erupt! This world is only a prison for the immortal flame.
Dropped By:
Bhuldar, Herkir & Logi (common, 50% chance)