Home>Uniques>Faith of the Frozen
Faith of the Frozen
Unique Frostbound Shield
  • +17% Block Chance
  • +(400 to 460) Block Effectiveness
  • +(75% to 150%) Freeze Rate Multiplier
  • 15 to 20 Health Gain on Cull
  • 15 to 20 Health Gain on Block
  • +75% Cold Resistance
  • 20% to 15% less Cold Damage Taken on Block
  • +(75% to 150%) Freeze Rate Multiplier
Found among the frozen corpses in the wake of Morditas' wrath. Runes etched into the handle read "Heorot protect us".
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 70
LP1 Chance: 19.1%
LP2 Chance: 1.35%
LP3 Chance: 0.0268%
LP4 Chance: 0.0000134%
Dropped By:
Heorot (rare, empowered only)Requires Level 84
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