Home>Uniques>Herkir's Vessel
Herkir's Vessel
Unique Copper Chalice
  • +(2 to 3) Health Regen
  • +(60% to 100%) increased Fire Damage
  • +(60 to 100) Health Gained on Potion Use
  • +(6 to 10) Spell Fire Damage for 4 seconds when you use a Potion
  • 100% Chance to cast Fire Aura on Potion Use
  • 30% to 60% Increased Fire Aura Area
Fire Aura
Deals fire damage in an area around you. Can be converted to cold or lightning.
Base Damage: 14 Fire
Scaling Tags: Fire, Spell, DoT, Area, Intelligence
Drink deep of the flame, brothers... Immortality awaits.
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 76
LP1 Chance: 16.4%
LP2 Chance: 0.893%
LP3 Chance: 0.0127%
LP4 Chance: 0.00000301%
Dropped By:
Bhuldar, Herkir & Logi (common, 50% chance)Requires Level 76
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