Home>Uniques>World Splitter
World Splitter
Unique Bardiche
Range 2.8
Base Attack Rate 0.89
  • +130 Melee Damage
  • +(130% to 190%) Chance to Bleed on Melee Hit
  • +(30 to 52) Melee Void Damage
  • +0 increased Area for Melee Area Skills per 1 Mana Cost
  • 0% Critical Strike Chance for Melee Attacks per 1 Mana Cost
  • +1% Melee Critical Strike multiplier per 10 Max Mana
  • +(30% to 52%) increased Mana Regen
  • +(30% to 52%) increased Mana
Sever the chains that bind reality
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 85
LP1 Chance: 12.4%
LP2 Chance: 0.424%
LP3 Chance: 0.0033%
LP4 Chance: 2.08e-7%
Dropped By:
Harbinger of Hatred (The Black Sun)Requires Level 85
Page slapped together by Tunk