Home>Dungeons>Soulfire Bastion
Dungeon Ability
Soulfire ShieldSoulfire Shield
DescriptionToggles between fire immunity and necrotic immunity at the cost of one soul ember.
2.64 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.05s
Speed Multiplier: 1.8
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 70%
Scales With: None
NameSoulfire Shield
100% less Necrotic Damage Taken
Boss Fight & Loot
Cremorus(Damage Types: Fire, Necrotic)
Fire Lich Cremorus Skills in Bestiary ยป
Ashes of Mortality
Unique Ruby Ring
  • +(28% to 45%) Fire Resistance
  • +(28% to 45%) increased Fire Damage
  • (13 to 19)% chance on hit to gain 2 Ward per Ignite and Damned on the Target and 30 Ward per Ignite and Damned on You (2 second cooldown)
  • +(6% to 13%) increased Cast Speed
  • +(13% to 30%) Ward Retention
  • +(30% to 76%) increased Fire Damage
  • +(30% to 76%) increased Necrotic Damage
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 62
LP1 Chance: 22.6%
LP2 Chance: 2.18%
LP3 Chance: 0.0642%
LP4 Chance: 0.0000758%
Dropped By Fire Lich Cremorus
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 45%Tier 2: 50%Tier 3: 60%Tier 4: 65%
Requires Level 62
Lich's Envy
Set Noble Gloves
  • +28 Armor
  • +(7% to 14%) increased Mana Regen
  • +(14 to 24) Spell Fire Damage for Damage Over Time Spells
  • +(14 to 24) Spell Fire Damage for Infernal Shade per Active Dread Shade
  • 28% to 48% Increased Area for Infernal Shade per Active Dread Shade
  • -14 to -8 Mana Cost for Infernal Shade
  • -14 to -8 Mana Cost for Dread Shade
Set Modifiers
  • 2 Set:
    +4 Maximum Shades
Dropped By Fire Lich Cremorus
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 0%Tier 2: 15%Tier 3: 25%Tier 4: 30%
Requires Level 64
Immolator's Oblation
Unique Leather Belt
  • +4 Potion Slots
  • 46% to 100% Chance to Ignite yourself when you use a Fire or Necrotic Skill
  • +2 Spell Damage for Fire and Necrotic skills per stack of Ignite on You (up to 20 stacks)
  • 4% to 6% Chance to gain Frenzy for 2 seconds when you directly use a Fire or Necrotic skill per stack of Ignite on You
  • 10% to 16% Increased Ignite Duration
  • 100% chance to Cleanse All Ailments on Potion Use
The pyromancers following the Fire Lich, Cremorus, perfected the technique of burning their own souls to fuel their dark magic.
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 46
LP1 Chance: 29.1%
LP2 Chance: 4.71%
LP3 Chance: 0.268%
LP4 Chance: 0.0013%
Dropped By Fire Lich Cremorus
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 0%Tier 2: 0%Tier 3: 12%Tier 4: 18%
Requires Level 46
Pyre of Affliction
Two-Handed Axe
Unique Fire Lich Scythe
Range 2.6
Base Attack Rate 0.92
  • +146 Melee Damage
  • +(46 to 60) Spell Fire Damage
  • +(46 to 60) Spell Necrotic Damage
  • +(13% to 46%) Chance to apply Damned on Hit
  • 13 to 23 Ward Gain on Kill
  • 100% Chance to Ignite yourself on Kill
  • Casting Transplant grants (460 to 694) Ward and converts every stack of Ignite on you to Damned with 160% Increased Duration
  • Damned inflicted by Spells you cast while Damned has +(10 to 16)% Necrotic Penetration per stack of Damned on You
  • +(20 to 26)% Fire and Necrotic Penetration
  • (23 to 13)% less Fire and Necrotic Damage Over Time Taken
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 76
LP1 Chance: 16.4%
LP2 Chance: 0.893%
LP3 Chance: 0.0127%
LP4 Chance: 0.00000301%
Dropped By Fire Lich Cremorus
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 0%Tier 2: 0%Tier 3: 0%Tier 4: 12%
Requires Level 76
Floor 1: Soulfire Bastion (daily mod)
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional axes
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 9 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional belts
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 10 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional body armours
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 11 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional pairs of boots
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional bows
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 5 hours
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional catalysts
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 1 day
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional pairs of gloves
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 2 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional helmets
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 3 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional maces
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 4 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional sceptres
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 5 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional shields
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 6 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional staves
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 7 days
The Soul Gambler's inventory contains 4 additional swords
+180% increased Damage, +180% increased Health
In 8 days
Floor 2: Soulfire Keep
Exalted items from the Soul Gambler have a Tier 1 Sealed Affix
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The first item purchased from the Soul Gambler is an exalted item with a random Tier 2 sealed affix
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The first item purchased from the Soul Gambler is a rare item with a random Tier 5 sealed affix
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The first item purchased from the Soul Gambler will be a unique or set item
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The first 3 items purchased from the Soul Gambler have their soul ember cost refunded
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
20% of the soul cost of each item purchased at the Soul Gambler is refunded
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Rare items from the Soul Gambler have a random Tier 3 Sealed Affix
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
25% chance to refund the cost of each item purchased at the Soul Gambler
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Floor 3: The Soul Furnace
Each non-exalted affix on an exalted item from the Soul Gambler has a 30% chance to roll twice within in its range and pick the higher value
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The lowest tier affix of a rare or exalted item from the Soul Gambler has an 80% chance to gain a tier
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Uniques from the Soul Gambler have a 20% increased chance to have at least 1 Legendary Potential
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
The lowest tier affix of each exalted item from the Soul Gambler has a 80% chance to roll perfectly within its tier
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The lowest tier affix of each rare item from the Soul Gambler has a 90% chance to roll perfectly within its tier
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
The forging potential of each item from the Soul Gambler has a 40% chance to roll twice and pick the higher value
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Each implicit mod on a rare or exalted item from the Soul Gambler has a 25% chance to roll twice within in its range and pick the higher value
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Each affix on a rare item from the Soul Gambler has a 30% chance to roll twice within in its range and pick the higher value
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Each implicit mod on a unique or set item from the Soul Gambler has a 20% chance to roll twice within in its range and pick the higher value
+140% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
14 Enemies
Animated BonesMinion2565
Bastion ArbalestNormal3870
Fire Lich CremorusBoss489000
Immortal EyeNormal27100
Immortal IncineratorNormal24150
Imperial GuardNormal2550
Imperial PyromancerNormal31200
Imperial Shadow (Dungeon)
Imperial SoulmageNormal31200
Infernal CageNormal90200
Possessed ConstructNormal50130
Possessed GolemNormal50600
Searing FleshNormal90250
Thrall of CremorusNormal4855
Map Layouts
Page slapped together by Tunk