Home>Dungeons>Lightless Arbor
Dungeon Ability
Burning AmberBurning Amber
DescriptionEnemies outside the Amber's light deal much more damage and take much less damage.

Activate this ability to move the Amber to a target location or recall it.

While your burning Amber is attached to you, it loses illumination when you are hit, reducing the radius at which it illuminates enemies. The illumination lost depends on the damage dealt as a percentage of your maximum health.

Illumination can be restored by slaying an Amber Elemental.
1.76 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.75s
Use Delay: 0.13s
Speed Multiplier: 1.2
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 50%
Scales With: None
Boss Fight & Loot
Stone Titan's Heart(Damage Types: Physical, Poison)
The Mountain Beneath in Bestiary »
Stone Titan's Heart in Bestiary »
Loot GroupDrop ChanceWeightItem(s)Host Only
Peak of the Mountain
Foot of the Mountain
Face of the Mountain
Core of the Mountain
Floor 1: Lightless Arbor (daily mod)
DescriptionModifiersDrop InfoSchedule
enemies drop substantially more exalted amulets
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 7 hours
enemies drop substantially more exalted helmets
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 1 day
enemies drop substantially more exalted relics
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 2 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted rings
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 3 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted weapons
+110% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 4 days
the dungeon boss drops a Unique Weapon
+110% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
In 5 days
enemies drop substantially more glyphs
+90% increased Damage, +60% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 6 days
enemies drop substantially more runes
+60% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 7 days
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Idols
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
Floor 2: Titan's Hollow
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
enemies drop substantially more exalted amulets
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted helmets
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted relics
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted rings
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted weapons
+110% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more glyphs
+90% increased Damage, +60% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more runes
+60% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
Floor 3: Titan's Rest
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Jewelry
+90% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Weapons
+120% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a Glyph of Despair
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Glyphs
+110% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Idols
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Runes
+80% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
the dungeon boss drops a Unique Weapon
+110% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
the dungeon boss drops 2 Unique Items
+140% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Drop Count: 2
15 Enemies
Amber ElementalNormal56500
Gloom ScreecherNormal4690
Gloom StingerNormal54130
Hollow SprigganNormal1615
Lightless HiveNormal54180
Mountain's RootNormal20250
Pale SpiderNormal1614
Root WallNormal20-
Rotting HollowNormal49500
Stone Titan's HeartDungeon Boss201500
The Mountain BeneathDungeon Boss201000
Volatile BulbNormal2055
Map Layouts
Page slapped together by Tunk