Home>Dungeons>Temporal Sanctum
Dungeon Ability
Temporal ShiftTemporal Shift
DescriptionTravel between the Divine and Ruined eras without moving
2 per second (if no cooldown)
Use Duration: 0.55s
Use Delay: 0.15s
Speed Multiplier: 1
Settle Low Priority Ratio: 48%
Scales With: None
Boss Fight & Loot
Chronomancer Julra(Damage Types: Void, Cold, Lightning)
Chronomancer Julra in Bestiary ยป
Loot GroupDrop ChanceWeightItem(s)Host Only
Julra's Stardial (1 Legendary Potential)
Exalted (4 Affixes) Ring
Somnia (1 Legendary Potential)
Exalted (4 Affixes) Helmet
Julra's Obsession (1 Legendary Potential)
Exalted (4 Affixes) Gloves
Vessel of Strife (1 Legendary Potential)
Exalted (4 Affixes) Relic
Eternity Cache
Unique Item Level Restriction: None
Floor 1: The Temporal Sanctum (daily mod)
DescriptionModifiersDrop InfoSchedule
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Jewelry
+90% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
In 8 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted relics
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 9 days
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Weapons
+120% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
In 10 days
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Runes
+80% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
In 11 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted amulets
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 12 days
the dungeon boss drops a Glyph of Despair
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
In 13 days
the dungeon boss drops a Unique Weapon
+110% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
In 14 days
enemies drop substantially more glyphs
+90% increased Damage, +60% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
the dungeon boss drops 2 Unique Items
+140% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Drop Count: 2
In 7 hours
enemies drop substantially more exalted helmets
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 1 day
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Idols
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
In 2 days
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
In 3 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted rings
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 4 days
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Glyphs
+110% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
In 5 days
enemies drop substantially more exalted weapons
+110% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 6 days
enemies drop substantially more runes
+60% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
In 7 days
Floor 2: The Sanctum Cloisters
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
enemies drop substantially more exalted amulets
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted helmets
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted relics
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted rings
+100% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more exalted weapons
+110% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more glyphs
+90% increased Damage, +60% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
enemies drop substantially more runes
+60% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Increased Chance: 7%
Floor 3: The Sanctum Archive
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Jewelry
+90% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Exalted Weapons
+120% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a Glyph of Despair
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Glyphs
+110% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Drop Count: 6-7
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Idols
+90% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
the dungeon boss drops a horde of Runes
+80% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 7-8
the dungeon boss drops a Unique Weapon
+110% increased Damage, +110% increased Health
Drop Count: 1
the dungeon boss drops 2 Unique Items
+140% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Drop Count: 2
16 Enemies
Chronomancer JulraDungeon Boss4010000
Divine PillarNormal40-
Festering CultistNormal1815
Healing FountainNormal40-
Infernal HuskNormal2360
Nagasa Void HuskNormal5155
Ruby NagasaNormal57130
Ruined PillarNormal40-
Sapphire NagasaNormal57150
Temporal HunterNormal55180
Void CentipedeNormal20200
Voidfire Maggot (Emerging)
Voidfire MaggotNormal104
Map Layouts
Page slapped together by Tunk