Boss Fight & Loot
Arena Champions
Alfrig Wolfmaw (Primalist Champion)
The Crimson Blade (Rogue Champion)
Vaion the Arsenal (Sentinel Champion)
Unique Silver Ring
  • +(3% to 8%) increased Movement Speed
  • 65% to 115% Increased Damage for skills used by Shadows
  • 10% to 15% Physical Penetration with Shadow Daggers
  • 50% Chance to apply a Shadow Dagger on Hit with Lethal Mirage
  • +(15% to 25%) Critical Strike Multiplier
  • 5 to 10 Health Gain on Crit
Honour has no place in the arena. To defeat the mightiest foes, a champion must dance on the edge of shadows, preparing for the perfect moment to strike.
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 45
LP1 Chance: 29.5%
LP2 Chance: 4.91%
LP3 Chance: 0.29%
LP4 Chance: 0.00153%
Dropped By The Crimson Blade
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 30%Tier 2: 31.5%Tier 3: 33.5%Tier 4: 36%Tier 5: 33%
Requires Level 45
Omen of Thunder
Unique Nomad Belt
  • +5 Potion Slots
  • 10% to 17% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for Summon Storm Totem
  • When you directly summon a Storm Totem all existing Totems gain (24 to 34) Spell Lightning Damage
  • +(10% to 17%) Lightning Penetration for Totems
  • When you use a Potion all your Totems are restored to full health and gain Damage Immunity for 2 seconds.
  • +1 to Totem Skills
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 48
LP1 Chance: 28.3%
LP2 Chance: 4.32%
LP3 Chance: 0.228%
LP4 Chance: 0.000948%
Dropped By Alfrig Wolfmaw
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 30%Tier 2: 31.5%Tier 3: 33.5%Tier 4: 36%Tier 5: 33%
Requires Level 48
Vaion's Chariot
Unique Solarum Greaves
  • +90 Armor
  • +(15% to 18%) increased Movement Speed
  • +(30% to 45%) Fire Resistance
  • +(10% to 18%) increased Movement Speed
  • 1% Increased Damage per 1% Increased Movement Speed
  • Every 3 Seconds your next Movement Skill deals (24 to 40)% more damage
  • +(4% to 10%) to All Resistances
  • +(40 to 120) Armor
Effective Level for Legendary Potential: 90
LP1 Chance: 10.2%
LP2 Chance: 0.256%
LP3 Chance: 0.00133%
LP4 Chance: 3.43e-8%
Dropped By Vaion the Arsenal
Drop Chance:
Tier 1: 30%Tier 2: 31.5%Tier 3: 33.5%Tier 4: 36%Tier 5: 33%
Requires Level 50
Champion Wave: 40
Starting Mods
Daily Mods
DescriptionModifiersDrop InfoSchedule
The Arena Champion drops much Exalted Jewelry
+100% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Count: 4-5
In 5 hours
The Arena Champion drops a horde of affix shards
+80% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Count: 6-8
In 1 day
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Weapons
+140% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
In 2 days
The Arena Champion drops many Glyphs
+100% increased Damage, +70% increased Health
Count: 4-5
In 3 days
The Arena Champion drops many Idols
+90% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Count: 4-5
In 4 days
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Count: 4-5
In 5 days
The Arena Champion drops many Runes
+70% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
Current Modifier
Wave 10
Mods for Either Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops much Exalted Jewelry
+100% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Weapons
+140% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Glyphs
+100% increased Damage, +70% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops a horde of affix shards
+80% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Count: 6-8
The Arena Champion drops many Idols
+90% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Runes
+70% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops an Arena Key of Memory
+90% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Count: 1
Wave 20
Mods for First Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops a Temporal Sanctum Key
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Lightless Arbor Key
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Soulfire Bastion Key
+100% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 1
Mods for Second Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops a horde of affix shards
+80% increased Damage, +80% increased Health
Count: 6-8
The Arena Champion drops many Glyphs
+100% increased Damage, +70% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Runes
+70% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Idols
+90% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Count: 4-5
Mods for Either Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops much Exalted Jewelry
+100% increased Damage, +140% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Items
+120% increased Damage, +120% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops many Exalted Weapons
+140% increased Damage, +100% increased Health
Count: 4-5
The Arena Champion drops an Arena Key of Memory
+90% increased Damage, +90% increased Health
Count: 1
Wave 30
Mods for First Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops an Arena Key
+40% increased Damage, +40% increased Health
Count: 1
Mods for Second Option
DescriptionModifiersDrop Info
The Arena Champion drops a Set Item
+160% increased Damage, +160% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Unique Item
+160% increased Damage, +160% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Unique Weapon
+160% increased Damage, +160% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Unique Piece of Jewelry
+160% increased Damage, +160% increased Health
Count: 1
The Arena Champion drops a Unique Piece of Armour
+160% increased Damage, +160% increased Health
Count: 1
151 Enemies
Abyssal CrawlerNormal725
Adrift MerunaNormal5285
Alfrig WolfmawArena Boss50400
Ascendant EmbermageNormal56125
Black WolfNormal4785
Blood AspNormal3555
Blood GorgonNormal35420
Brackish GulamanderNormal52220
Cave BearNormal46160
Cave LurkerNormal512
Cave ScorpionNormal2050
Consumed GroleNormal2050
Crested AscendantNormal37
Crimson ScorpionNormal3145
Dark SeerNormal2335
Decaying FanaticNormal2423
Decaying SprigganNormal1625
Deep ChyreanNormal1020
Desecrated FleshNormal38200
Desert SkullenNormal3150
Desert SpitterNormal54130
Desert StingerNormal5470
Desiccated CorpseNormal3324
Devoured HuskNormal1410
Diamond MatronNormal57500
Drowned HuskNormal3530
Drowned RavenNormal4090
Drowned RavenNormal2760
Dune WraithSpecial3338
Dusk SpiderNormal1614
Emerald NagasaNormal57130
Fallen OsprixNormal40100
Fallen OsprixNormal4090
Festering CultistNormal1815
Frail HarvesterNormal1635
Frozen WolfNormal47110
Giant RatNormal4255
Giant ScorpionNormal3180
Glade ChyreanNormal1827
Gold ElementalNormal56450
Headless DregNormal4280
Highland BearNormal220
Hollow DruantNormal1624
Hulking OvergrowthNormal1880
Ice ElementalNormal47120
Immortal EyeNormal27100
Imperial ArbalestNormal2545
Imperial DeadeyeNormal3765
Imperial HalberdierNormal3560
Imperial HopliteNormal2745
Imperial ScoutNormal3665
Imperial SentryNormal3565
Imperial ShadowNormal3365
Magma GornNormal1035
Marsh BeetleNormal2430
Marsh Beetle QueenNormal2660
Meruna OgreNormal52400
Meruna SirenNormal52200
Mortal HunterNormal2380
Mummified NagasaNormal3575
Necropolis WretchNormal4190
Oasian GornNormal38220
Osprix VanguardNormal45200
Osprix WarriorNormal311
Osprix ZealotNormal55240
Profane FleshNormal42220
Ravenous VoidformNormal713
Rime GiantNormal47350
Rotting HoundNormal4150
Ruin SkuttlerNormal186
Rustland StalkerNormal38100
Scalebane BanditNormal55120
Scalebane RogueNormal55125
Scalebane SaboteurNormal55440
Sewer DwellerNormal4265
Siege GolemNormal51800
Silver ElementalNormal56130
Skalnir MercenaryNormal5190
Skittering UndergrowthNormal1820
Skullen ChuckerNormal26
Skullen PyromancerNormal3370
Skullen ShamanNormal26
Sleet WeaverNormal1726
Solar ArcherNormal46
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